fn main() { const TEMPLATE: &str = r#" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! `probe-rs-cli` has been renamed to `probe-rs`. To install it, {shell}: {install-command} To use the installed program, run `probe-rs` instead of `probe-rs-cli`. For more information, please refer to the documentation at https://probe.rs/docs/tools/probe-rs/. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "#; let (shell, install_command) = match std::env::consts::OS { "windows" => ("run the following PowerShell command", "irm https://github.com/probe-rs/probe-rs/releases/latest/download/probe-rs-tools-installer.ps1 | iex"), "linux" | "macos" => ("run the following command", "curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf https://github.com/probe-rs/probe-rs/releases/latest/download/probe-rs-tools-installer.sh | sh"), _ => ("see the installation instructions on the website:", "https://probe.rs/docs/getting-started/installation/"), }; panic!( "{}", TEMPLATE .replace("{shell}", shell) .replace("{install-command}", install_command) ); }