#### System Requirements: Install Rust + cargo trough either link: [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) [Cargo](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/getting-started/installation.html) #### Then do: ```bash probely --help ``` #### Set up CLI: ```bash probely -- init ``` Will initialize the config files required for cli to work - it will create `probely` folder in your root (`cd ~/.probely/`) and it will create 2 files - config and credentials files. Check those out to see what we are doing. #### Set up your Probely API key: After you have initialized the CLi with the above command, run the following command to set up the API key ```bash probely config set --api_key=YOUR_API_KEY ``` YOu can also set the region url for the specific region of your account": ```bash probely config set --region_api_url=YOUR_REGION_URL ```

#### Crates used: - [clap](https://docs.rs/clap/latest/clap/index.html) - [tokio](https://docs.rs/tokio/latest/tokio/) - [serde](https://docs.rs/serde/latest/serde/) - [dialoguer](https://docs.rs/dialoguer/latest/dialoguer/) - [chrono](https://docs.rs/chrono/latest/chrono/) ..and more - check the `Cargo.toml` file ### want to use/try - [inquire](https://docs.rs/inquire/0.7.3/inquire/) (`alternative to dialoguer`)

#### Some useful links to learn about Rust: - [The Rust Programming Language](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/book/) - [Rust by example](https://doc.rust-lang.org/rust-by-example/) - [Rustlings](https://github.com/rust-lang/rustlings) - [Rust cookbook](https://rust-lang-nursery.github.io/rust-cookbook/intro.html) - [Rust API Guidelines Checklist](https://rust-lang.github.io/api-guidelines/checklist.html) Security related - https://rustsec.org/