# Contributing [git-send-email]: https://git-send-email.io/ [srht-register]: https://meta.sr.ht/register [srht-man-todoemail]: https://man.sr.ht/todo.sr.ht/#email-access Thank you for taking the time to consider contributing to this project! It means a lot to me that this project would be worth your time! So I would like to lower the bar for initiating contributions. There are three ways to contribute: * Suggesting features - [How to submit a feature request?] * Finding bugs - [How to submit a ticket?] * Improving documentation/code - [How to submit patches?] ### How to submit a Ticket? Two ways: * Via the ticket tracker: * https://todo.sr.ht/~dstar4138/proceed * or simply email: * you may email me directly (see Cargo.toml for address), * or if you are [registered with sourcehut][srht-register], you may submit a [ticket via email][srht-man-todoemail]. ### How to submit a Feature Request? Same way as submitting a ticket, but there are additional requirements to help me understand why you would want more features. * Why can it not be a separate package? * Can you help maintain changes to the addition over time? ### How to submit a Patch? Please use [git send-email][git-send-email]. Some suggestions to speed things up: * Please submit `Cargo.{toml|lock}` changes separately from src changes. * Please run `cargo fmt` prior to commit. * If the change is substantial, please fork and branch. We can work together to merge.