proclist ======== [![Latest version](]( [![Documentation](]( ![License]( Cross-platform library to retrieve OS processes information. ## Example ```rust extern crate proclist; fn main() { for process_info in proclist::iterate_processes_info().filter_map(|r| r.ok()) { println!("[name]: {}, [pid]: {}",,; } } ``` ## Details - On Windows, library uses `CreateToolhelp32Snapshot`, `Process32First`, `Process32Next` - On Linux, it uses `procfs` - On OS X, it uses libproc's `proc_listpids`, `proc_pidinfo`, `proc_name` ## License Licensed under either of: * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or ## Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.