= procs(1) :doctype: manpage :manmanual: User Commands :mansource: procs :man-linkstyle: pass:[blue R < >] == NAME procs - a replacement for `ps` written in Rust == SYNOPSIS *procs* [OPTIONS] [KEYWORDS] == DESCRIPTION *procs* is a command-line tool that provides an alternative to the `ps` command. == OPTIONS *--and*:: Show processes that match all keywords. *--or*:: Show processes that match any keyword. *--nand*:: Show processes unless they match all keywords. *--nor*:: Show processes unless they match any keyword. *--watch*:: Enable watch mode for real-time updates. *--watch-interval *:: Set the update interval for watch mode. *--tree*:: Display processes in a tree view. *--sorta *:: Sort processes in ascending order by the specified column. *--sortd *:: Sort processes in descending order by the specified column. *--insert *:: Insert a new column at the position of `Slot` or `MultiSlot`. *--gen-completion*:: Generate shell completion files for supported shells. == EXAMPLES *Show all processes*:: procs *Search by non-numeric keyword*:: procs zsh *Search by numeric keyword*:: procs --or 6000 60000 60001 16723 *Show Docker container name*:: procs growi == PAGER On Linux and macOS, `less` is the default pager. If not available, `more` is used. Built-in pager can be used by configuring `use_builtin`. On Windows, the built-in pager is always used. == WATCH MODE SHORTCUTS If `--watch` or `--watch-interval ` option is used, procs automatically updates output like `top`. Keyboard shortcuts are available for control. *n*:: Change the sort column to the next column *p*:: Change the sort column to the previous column *a*:: Change the sort order to ascending *d*:: Change the sort order to descending *q*:: Quit == RESOURCES *Project source code:* https://github.com/dalance/procs