# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html [package] name = 'progressing' # Changing this version in release and pushing to GitHub # will lead to publishing it automatically to crates.io. # Hence do not forget updating Unreleased in CHANGELOG.md. version = '3.0.2' # !!! description = 'A lightweight, text-based, counting progress-bar for Rust' edition = '2018' authors = [ 'Parga Cacheiro, Dominic (dominic.parga@gmail.com)', ] repository = 'https://github.com/dominicparga/progressing' readme = 'README.md' keywords = ['progressbar', 'progress', 'pbr', 'logging', 'counting'] categories = ['command-line-interface'] license = 'Apache-2.0' [[example]] name = 'simple' path = 'examples/simple.rs' [[example]] name = 'loops' path = 'examples/loops.rs' [dependencies] log = '0.4' # logging for internal use, e.g. lib.rs