# ProjectAnalyzer
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Fast Rust binary that counts line numbers of a codebase.
## How to use
Fast Rust binary that counts line numbers of a codebase
Usage: project_analyzer [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]
update Opens github
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-r, --root-dir Number of times to greet [default: .]
--ignore Example: project_analyzer --ignore node_modules --ignore dist
-w, --watch Will keep running and update result whenever anything changed
-p, --postfixes Filter by list of file postfixes example: project_analyzer --postfixes py,rs,cpp
-j, --json Output as json
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
## Installation
### 1. Download binary
[Release page](https://github.com/ali77gh/ProjectAnalyzer/releases)\
or build it yourself:
cd /tmp
git clone git@github.com:ali77gh/ProjectAnalyzer.git
cd ProjectAnalyzer
cargo build --release
### 2. Add binary to your PATH
# linux
cp ./target/release/project_analyzer /usr/bin
# MacOS
cp ./target/release/project_analyzer /usr/local/bin/
# Windows
# add binary to Environment Variables Path