- [ ] generate default config - [x] extra templates - [x] haskell - [ ] should suggest unicode symbols as replacements - [ ] cabal.project - [ ] ability to initialize/name multiple projects simultaneously - [x] yesod - [ ] test - [ ] Ruby - [ ] test - [ ] builtin - [x] add keys - [x] full date - [x] user-defined keys (under [[user]]) - [ ] user-define arrays - [ ] put in README - [x] ask before overwriting directories - [x] --force or -f to overwrite anyways - [ ] make the flag local to the subcommands - [x] ask user for missing keys - [x] build + release scripts - [x] tests of some sort - [ ] sourceloc and bugtracker should depend on user-selected version control - [ ] nice CI for rust package - [x] update command - [ ] command to prompt users through, and generate a `$HOME/.pi.toml` automatically.