cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.21 FATAL_ERROR) include(CMakeDependentOption) include(CheckSymbolExists) # Save the current source/binary dirs if we're in a subdirectory of a larger CMake project. set(PROJECTM_SOURCE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}") set(PROJECTM_BINARY_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED YES) set(CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE YES) # Don't export any symbols except those explicitly exported. set(CMAKE_VISIBILITY_INLINES_HIDDEN YES) set(CMAKE_C_VISIBILITY_PRESET hidden) set(CMAKE_CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET hidden) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) # General build options option(ENABLE_SYSTEM_GLM "Enable use of system-install GLM library" OFF) option(ENABLE_SYSTEM_PROJECTM_EVAL "Enable use of a system-installed/external projectM-eval library" ON) option(ENABLE_DEBUG_POSTFIX "Add \"d\" (by default) after library names for debug builds." ON) option(ENABLE_PLAYLIST "Enable building the playlist management library" ON) option(ENABLE_BOOST_FILESYSTEM "Force the use of boost::filesystem, even if the compiler supports C++17." OFF) option(ENABLE_SDL_UI "Build the SDL2-based developer test UI. Ignored when building with Emscripten or for Android." OFF) option(BUILD_TESTING "Build the libprojectM test suite" OFF) option(BUILD_DOCS "Build documentation" OFF) # Enable vcpkg manifest features according to the build options set if(ENABLE_SYSTEM_GLM) list(APPEND VCPKG_MANIFEST_FEATURES external-glm) endif() if(ENABLE_SYSTEM_PROJECTM_EVAL) list(APPEND VCPKG_MANIFEST_FEATURES external-evallib) endif() if(ENABLE_BOOST_FILESYSTEM) list(APPEND VCPKG_MANIFEST_FEATURES boost-filesystem) endif() if(ENABLE_SDL_UI) list(APPEND VCPKG_MANIFEST_FEATURES gui) endif() if(BUILD_TESTING) list(APPEND VCPKG_MANIFEST_FEATURES test) endif() if(ENABLE_DEBUG_POSTFIX) set(CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX "d" CACHE STRING "Output file debug postfix. Default is \"d\".") endif() project(libprojectM LANGUAGES C CXX VERSION 4.1.2 ) # The API (SO) version for the shared library. Should be incremented whenever the binary interface changes # in a non-backwards-compatible way, e.g. changing parameters or return values of existing functions or removing # functions. Adding new function should be okay if documented. set(PROJECTM_SO_VERSION "4") # Base filename of all installed libraries. Also used as package name in pkgconfig. set(PROJECTM_LIBRARY_BASE_OUTPUT_NAME "projectM-${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}") # The actual (full) library version of projectM set(PROJECTM_LIB_VERSION "${CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION}") list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${PROJECTM_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake") include(VCSVersion) include(GNUInstallDirs) set(PROJECTM_BIN_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}" CACHE STRING "Executable installation directory, relative to the install prefix.") set(PROJECTM_LIB_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}" CACHE STRING "Library installation directory, relative to the install prefix.") set(PROJECTM_INCLUDE_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}" CACHE STRING "Header installation directory, relative to the install prefix.") if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL Windows) set(PROJECTM_RUNTIME_DIR "${PROJECTM_BIN_DIR}") else() set(PROJECTM_RUNTIME_DIR "${PROJECTM_LIB_DIR}") endif() # Dummy file for merged static libs. set(PROJECTM_DUMMY_SOURCE_FILE "${PROJECTM_BINARY_DIR}/dummy.cpp") file(TOUCH "${PROJECTM_DUMMY_SOURCE_FILE}") if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL Emscripten) set(ENABLE_EMSCRIPTEN ON CACHE BOOL "Build for web with emscripten. Will also build the SDL2-based entrypoint." FORCE) option(USE_PTHREADS "Enable multithreading support" OFF) else() set(ENABLE_EMSCRIPTEN OFF CACHE BOOL "Build for web with emscripten. Requires emscripten toolset for building." FORCE) endif() # Compiler-/system-dependent options, including dependencies. cmake_dependent_option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build and install libprojectM as a shared libraries. If OFF, builds as static libraries." ON "NOT ENABLE_EMSCRIPTEN" OFF) cmake_dependent_option(ENABLE_GLES "Enable OpenGL ES support" OFF "NOT ENABLE_EMSCRIPTEN AND NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL Android" ON) cmake_dependent_option(ENABLE_INSTALL "Enable installing projectM libraries and headers." OFF "NOT PROJECT_IS_TOP_LEVEL" ON) # Experimental/unsupported features option(ENABLE_CXX_INTERFACE "Enable exporting C++ symbols for ProjectM and PCM classes, not only the C API. Warning: This is not very portable." OFF) if(ENABLE_SYSTEM_GLM) find_package(GLM REQUIRED) endif() if(ENABLE_SYSTEM_PROJECTM_EVAL) find_package(projectM-Eval) endif() if(NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS AND CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Windows") # Add "lib" in front of static library files to allow installing both shared and static libs in the same dir. set(CMAKE_STATIC_LIBRARY_PREFIX lib) endif() if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL Darwin) # Silence OpenGL API deprecation warnings on macOS. add_compile_definitions(GL_SILENCE_DEPRECATION) endif() if(ENABLE_EMSCRIPTEN) message(STATUS "${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} on ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}") check_symbol_exists(__EMSCRIPTEN__ "" HAVE_EMSCRIPTEN) if(NOT HAVE_EMSCRIPTEN) message(FATAL_ERROR "You are not using an emscripten compiler.") endif() # emscripten uses different options to compile and link libraries, so we can't use find_package(). # Instead, specifying the required options directly to emcc is the way to go. # Note: The "SHELL:" syntax is required to pass each argument as-is, but without quotes and CMake's de-duplication. add_compile_options( "SHELL:-s USE_SDL=2" "SHELL:-s NO_DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING" ) add_link_options( "SHELL:-s USE_SDL=2" "SHELL:-s MIN_WEBGL_VERSION=2" "SHELL:-s MAX_WEBGL_VERSION=2" "SHELL:-s FULL_ES2=1" "SHELL:-s FULL_ES3=1" "SHELL:-s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1" "SHELL:-s NO_DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING" ) if(USE_PTHREADS) add_compile_options("SHELL:-s USE_PTHREADS=1") add_link_options("SHELL:-s USE_PTHREADS=1") endif() set(USE_GLES ON) else() if(ENABLE_SDL_UI) find_package(SDL2 REQUIRED) # Apply some fixes, as SDL2's CMake support is new and still a WiP. include(SDL2Target) endif() if(ENABLE_GLES) message(STATUS "Building for OpenGL Embedded Profile") if(NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL Linux AND NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL Android) message(FATAL_ERROR "OpenGL ES 3 support is currently only available for Linux platforms. You're building for ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}.") endif() # We use a local find script for OpenGL::GLES3 until the proposed changes are merged upstream. list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${PROJECTM_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/gles") find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED COMPONENTS GLES3) if(NOT TARGET OpenGL::GLES3) message(FATAL_ERROR "No suitable GLES3 library was found.") endif() set(PROJECTM_OPENGL_LIBRARIES OpenGL::GLES3) set(USE_GLES ON) else() message(STATUS "Building for OpenGL Core Profile") find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED) set(PROJECTM_OPENGL_LIBRARIES OpenGL::GL) # GLX is required by SOIL2 on platforms with the X Window System (e.g. most Linux distributions) if(TARGET OpenGL::GLX) list(APPEND PROJECTM_OPENGL_LIBRARIES OpenGL::GLX) endif() if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "Windows") find_package(GLEW REQUIRED) # Prefer shared, but check for static lib if shared is not available. if(TARGET GLEW::glew) list(APPEND PROJECTM_OPENGL_LIBRARIES GLEW::glew) elseif(TARGET GLEW::glew_s) list(APPEND PROJECTM_OPENGL_LIBRARIES GLEW::glew_s) endif() endif() endif() endif() if(ENABLE_CXX_INTERFACE) set(CMAKE_C_VISIBILITY_PRESET default) set(CMAKE_CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET default) set(CMAKE_VISIBILITY_INLINES_HIDDEN OFF) else() set(CMAKE_C_VISIBILITY_PRESET hidden) set(CMAKE_CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET hidden) set(CMAKE_VISIBILITY_INLINES_HIDDEN ON) endif() if(BUILD_DOCS) find_package(Doxygen REQUIRED) find_package(Sphinx REQUIRED breathe exhale) set(DOXYGEN_GENERATE_HTML NO) set(DOXYGEN_GENERATE_XML YES) # All doxygen comments are in header files. Processing cpp files # produces duplicate C++ function definitions in doxygen, resulting # in various problems. # See set(DOXYGEN_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS "*.cpp") doxygen_add_docs( projectm_doxygen src COMMENT "Generate HTML documentation") sphinx_add_docs( projectm_sphinx BREATHE_PROJECTS projectm_doxygen BUILDER html SOURCE_DIRECTORY docs) endif() add_subdirectory(vendor) include(features.cmake) add_subdirectory(presets) add_subdirectory(src) if(BUILD_TESTING) enable_testing() add_subdirectory(tests) endif() message(STATUS "") message(STATUS "libprojectM v${PROJECT_VERSION}") message(STATUS "==============================================") message(STATUS "") message(STATUS " prefix: ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") message(STATUS " libdir: ${PROJECTM_LIB_DIR}") message(STATUS " includedir: ${PROJECTM_INCLUDE_DIR}") message(STATUS " bindir: ${PROJECTM_BIN_DIR}") message(STATUS "") message(STATUS " compiler: ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}") message(STATUS " cflags: ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}") message(STATUS " cxxflags: ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") message(STATUS " ldflags: ${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS}") message(STATUS "") message(STATUS "Features:") message(STATUS "==============================================") message(STATUS "") message(STATUS " Build shared libraries: ${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS}") if(ENABLE_BOOST_FILESYSTEM) message(STATUS " Filesystem support: Boost") message(STATUS " Boost version: ${Boost_VERSION}") else() message(STATUS " Filesystem support: C++17 STL") endif() message(STATUS " SDL2: ${ENABLE_SDL_UI}") if(ENABLE_SDL_UI) message(STATUS " SDL2 version: ${SDL2_VERSION}") endif() message(STATUS " OpenGL ES: ${ENABLE_GLES}") message(STATUS " Emscripten: ${ENABLE_EMSCRIPTEN}") if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL Emscripten) message(STATUS " - PThreads: ${USE_PTHREADS}") endif() message(STATUS " Use system GLM: ${ENABLE_SYSTEM_GLM}") message(STATUS " Use system projectM-eval: ${ENABLE_SYSTEM_PROJECTM_EVAL}") message(STATUS " Link UI with shared lib: ${ENABLE_SHARED_LINKING}") message(STATUS "") message(STATUS "Targets and applications:") message(STATUS "==============================================") message(STATUS "") message(STATUS " libprojectM: (always built)") message(STATUS " Playlist library: ${ENABLE_PLAYLIST}") message(STATUS " SDL2 Test UI: ${ENABLE_SDL_UI}") message(STATUS " Tests: ${BUILD_TESTING}") message(STATUS " Documentation: ${BUILD_DOCS}") message(STATUS "") if(ENABLE_CXX_INTERFACE) message(AUTHOR_WARNING "This build is configured to export C++ symbols for ProjectM and PCM classes in the shared library.\n" "Using C++ STL types across library borders only works if all components were built " "with the exact same toolchain and C++ language level, otherwise it will cause crashes.\n" "Only use this if you know what you're doing. You have been warned!" ) endif() # Create CPack configuration set(CPACK_PACKAGE_NAME "projectM") set(CPACK_VERBATIM_VARIABLES YES) include(CPack)