import sys from os import path import subprocess code = """use crate::plugins::{{ types::{{Plugin, ProjktResult}}, }}; pub struct {0}Options; pub struct {0}; impl Plugin for {0} {{ type Opts = {0}Options; type Fetch = (); fn fetch(_: &Self::Opts) -> ProjktResult {{ unimplemented!() }} fn exec(_: Self::Opts) -> ProjktResult<()> {{ unimplemented!() }} }} """ def create_plugin(name): dest = path.join( path.realpath(path.curdir), "src", "plugins") if not path.exists(dest): print("Invoke this from the root of directory") exit(1) file_name = f"{path.join(dest, str.lower(name))}.rs" with open(file_name, "w") as f: name = str.capitalize(name) f.write(code.format(name)) with open(f"{dest}.rs", "a") as f: f.write(f"\npub mod {str.lower(name)};") def main(): match sys.argv[1:]: case []: print("Please provide a module name") case [plugin_name]: create_plugin(plugin_name)["cargo", "fmt"]) case _: print("Too many arguments provided, takes max 1 args.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()