use std::{ collections::HashMap, io::{self, Write}, }; use clap::{Parser, Subcommand}; use env_logger::{Builder, Target}; use itertools::Itertools; use log::{debug, info, LevelFilter}; use prompter::*; /// Length of the word to be guessed. const WORD_LEN: usize = 5; /// Number of rounds to play. const ROUND_NUM: usize = 6; #[derive(Parser)] #[clap(name = "prompter")] #[clap(about = "A Wordle solver in Rust", long_about = None)] struct Cli { #[clap(subcommand)] command: Commands, } #[derive(Subcommand)] enum Commands { /// Get help while playing Wordle Play {}, /// Simulate a Wordle game Simulate { /// Start word #[clap(long, short, value_name = "WORD")] start: Option, /// Target word #[clap(long, short, requires = "start", value_name = "WORD")] target: Option, }, /// Show the different "buckets" in which the words in the wordlist are sorted for WORD Buckets { #[clap(value_name = "WORD")] word: String, }, } fn main() { let args = Cli::parse(); match &args.command { Commands::Play {} => { play(); } Commands::Simulate { start, target } => { let mut builder = Builder::new(); builder .format(|buf, record| writeln!(buf, "{}", record.args())) .target(Target::Stdout); let level = match (start, target) { (Some(_), Some(_)) => LevelFilter::Debug, (None, None) => LevelFilter::Warn, (_, _) => LevelFilter::Info, }; builder.filter_level(level); builder.init(); simulate_all(start.as_ref(), target.as_ref()); } Commands::Buckets { word } => { let word = Word::from(word); let wordlist = Wordlist::load(); let mut map = HashMap::new(); for w in &wordlist { let code = word.match_code(w); let vec = map.entry(code).or_insert_with(Vec::new); vec.push(w); } println!("\"{}\" has {} Wordle buckets.", word, map.len()); for (code, words) in map.iter().sorted() { println!("\n{} ({} word{})", code, words.len(), plural(words.len())); for w in words { println!("{}", w); } } } } } fn plural(number: usize) -> String { let s = if number == 1 { "" } else { "s" }; s.to_string() } fn play() { println!("Welcome! Let's play Wordle."); let mut wordlist = Wordlist::load(); for i in 1..=ROUND_NUM { println!( "\n---[ Round #{} ]------------------------------------------------", i ); let w_count = wordlist.len(); println!("\n{} candidate word{} left.", w_count, plural(w_count)); let start = std::time::Instant::now(); let candidates = wordlist.rank_words(); let duration = start.elapsed(); println!("\nTop candidate word{}:", plural(w_count)); for (w, score) in candidates.take(10) { println!("{} ({})", w, score); } debug!("\nTime elapsed for word ranking: {:?}", duration); if wordlist.len() == 1 { println!("\nCongratulations! You won after {} round{}.", i, plural(i)); break; } let mut word = get_user_word(i); while let Err(error) = word { println!("\nError: {}", error); word = get_user_word(i); } let mut constraints = get_contraints(word.as_ref().unwrap()); while let Err(error) = constraints { println!("\nError: {}", error); constraints = get_contraints(word.as_ref().unwrap()); } if constraints.as_ref().unwrap().correct_word() { println!("\nCongratulations! You won after {} round{}.", i, plural(i)); break; } wordlist = Wordlist::from_iter(wordlist.filter(&constraints.unwrap())); wordlist.remove(word.as_ref().unwrap()); if wordlist.len() > 1 && i == ROUND_NUM { println!("\n{} candidate words left.", wordlist.len()); println!("\nGame over."); break; } if wordlist.is_empty() { println!("\nSomething went wrong. There are no matching words left."); break; } } } fn simulate(start: &Word, target: &Word) -> Option { let mut wordlist = Wordlist::load(); debug!("{} -> {}", start, target); for i in 1..=ROUND_NUM { debug!( "\n---[ Round #{} ]------------------------------------------------", i ); let w_count = wordlist.len(); debug!("\n{} candidate word{} left.", w_count, plural(w_count)); let w = match i { 1 => start, _ => wordlist.rank_words().next().unwrap().0, }; debug!("Top candidate word: {}", w); if wordlist.len() == 1 { debug!("\nI won after {} round{}.", i, plural(i)); return Some(i); } let w_string = w.to_string(); let color_code = w.match_code(target); debug!("Wordle hint: {}", color_code); let constraints = ConstraintSet::try_from((w_string.as_ref(), color_code.as_ref())); if constraints.as_ref().unwrap().correct_word() { debug!("\nI won after {} round{}.", i, plural(i)); return Some(i); } wordlist = Wordlist::from_iter(wordlist.filter(&constraints.unwrap())); wordlist.remove(&w_string); if wordlist.len() > 1 && i == ROUND_NUM { debug!("\n{} candidate words left.", wordlist.len()); debug!("\nGame over."); break; } } None } fn word_iter<'a>( word_opt: Option<&'a Word>, wordlist: &'a Wordlist, ) -> impl Iterator { let iter = if word_opt.is_none() { Some(wordlist.iter()) } else { None }; iter.into_iter().flatten().chain(word_opt) } fn simulate_all(start: Option<&String>, target: Option<&String>) { let wordlist = Wordlist::load(); let start_word =; let start_words = word_iter(start_word.as_ref(), &wordlist); for s in start_words { let mut scores = Vec::with_capacity(wordlist.len()); let target_word =; let target_words = word_iter(target_word.as_ref(), &wordlist); for t in target_words { if let Some(score) = simulate(s, t) { scores.push(score); info!("{} -> {}: Won after {} round{}", s, t, score, plural(score)); } else { info!("{} -> {}: Lost", s, t); } } if !(start.is_some() && target.is_some()) { print_results(s, scores.iter().sum(), scores.len(), wordlist.len()); } } } fn print_results(start_word: &Word, total_score: usize, won_count: usize, game_count: usize) { let won_percentage = won_count as f32 / game_count as f32 * 100.0; let avg_score = total_score as f32 / won_count as f32; println!( "With start word \"{}\", I won {} / {} games ({:.2} %) in on average {:.2} rounds.", start_word, won_count, game_count, won_percentage, avg_score ) } fn user_input() -> String { let mut buffer = String::new(); print!("> "); io::stdout().flush().unwrap(); io::stdin().read_line(&mut buffer).unwrap(); buffer.trim().to_string() } fn get_user_word(i: usize) -> Result { println!( "\nPlease enter your {} word.", if i == 1 { "first" } else { "next" } ); let word = user_input(); if word.len() != WORD_LEN { return Err(InputError::IncorrectWordLength(WORD_LEN)); } Ok(word) } fn get_contraints(word: &str) -> Result { println!("\nPlease enter Wordle's answer. (G = Green, Y = Yellow, _ = Gray)"); let colors = user_input(); if colors.len() != WORD_LEN { return Err(InputError::IncorrectColorCodeLength(WORD_LEN)); } ConstraintSet::try_from((word, colors.as_ref())) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn verify_app() { use clap::CommandFactory; Cli::command().debug_assert() } }