**Promptput** Promptput is a simple and intuitive crate for handling terminal user input in Rust. It allows you to prompt the user with a message and capture their input as the desired data type. It is inspired by the `input()` method in Python. **Installation** Add this to your Cargo.toml: ``` [dependencies] promptput = "0.1" ``` **Usage** Here's a simple example of how to use promptput: ``` use promptput::input; fn main() { let name: &str = input("Name: "); let age: i32 = input("Age: "); println!("Name: {name}, Age: {age}"); } ``` **How it Works** The input() function takes a prompt &str and returns the user input, automatically converting it into the specified data type. **Contributing** Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests if you have any improvements or suggestions.