// Copyright 2023 Greptime Team // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #![cfg(feature = "ser")] use promql_parser::parser::parse; macro_rules! assert_json_ser_eq { ($promql: literal, $json: tt) => { let ast = parse($promql).expect("Failed to parse"); assert_eq!( serde_json::to_value(ast).expect("Failed to serialize"), serde_json::json!($json) ); }; } #[test] fn test_serialize() { assert_json_ser_eq!( "prometheus_tsdb_wal_writes_failed_total", { "matchers": [], "name": "prometheus_tsdb_wal_writes_failed_total", "offset": 0, "type": "vectorSelector", "startOrEnd": null, "timestamp": null }); assert_json_ser_eq!( "prometheus_tsdb_wal_writes_failed_total{label != \"nice\"}", { "matchers": [ { "name": "label", "type": "!=", "value": "nice" } ], "name": "prometheus_tsdb_wal_writes_failed_total", "offset": 0, "type": "vectorSelector", "startOrEnd": null, "timestamp": null } ); assert_json_ser_eq!( "prometheus_tsdb_wal_writes_failed_total{label =~ \"nice\"}", { "matchers": [ { "name": "label", "type": "=~", "value": "nice" } ], "name": "prometheus_tsdb_wal_writes_failed_total", "offset": 0, "type": "vectorSelector", "startOrEnd": null, "timestamp": null }); assert_json_ser_eq!( "prometheus_tsdb_wal_writes_failed_total{label !~ \"nice\"}", { "matchers": [ { "name": "label", "type": "!~", "value": "nice" } ], "name": "prometheus_tsdb_wal_writes_failed_total", "offset": 0, "type": "vectorSelector", "startOrEnd": null, "timestamp": null }); assert_json_ser_eq!( "prometheus_tsdb_wal_writes_failed_total offset 2s @ start()", { "matchers": [], "name": "prometheus_tsdb_wal_writes_failed_total", "offset": 2000, "startOrEnd": "start", "timestamp": null, "type": "vectorSelector" }); assert_json_ser_eq!( "prometheus_tsdb_wal_writes_failed_total offset -2s @ end()", { "matchers": [], "name": "prometheus_tsdb_wal_writes_failed_total", "offset": -2000, "startOrEnd": "end", "timestamp": null, "type": "vectorSelector" }); assert_json_ser_eq!( "prometheus_tsdb_wal_writes_failed_total @ 1000", { "matchers": [], "name": "prometheus_tsdb_wal_writes_failed_total", "offset": 0, "startOrEnd": null, "timestamp": 1000000, "type": "vectorSelector" }); assert_json_ser_eq!( "rate(prometheus_tsdb_wal_writes_failed_total{instance = \"localhost:9090\"}[1m])", { "args": [ { "matchers": [ { "name": "instance", "type": "=", "value": "localhost:9090" } ], "name": "prometheus_tsdb_wal_writes_failed_total", "offset": 0, "range": 60000, "type": "matrixSelector", "startOrEnd": null, "timestamp": null } ], "func": { "argTypes": [ "matrix" ], "name": "rate", "returnType": "vector", "variadic": 0 }, "type": "call" } ); assert_json_ser_eq!("\"yes\"", { "type": "stringLiteral", "val": "yes" } ); assert_json_ser_eq!("1", { "type": "numberLiteral", "val": "1" } ); assert_json_ser_eq!("1+1", { "bool": false, "lhs": { "type": "numberLiteral", "val": "1" }, "op": "+", "matching": null, "rhs": { "type": "numberLiteral", "val": "1" }, "type": "binaryExpr" } ); assert_json_ser_eq!("- process_cpu_seconds_total", { "expr": { "matchers": [], "name": "process_cpu_seconds_total", "offset": 0, "type": "vectorSelector", "startOrEnd": null, "timestamp": null }, "op": "-", "type": "unaryExpr" } ); assert_json_ser_eq!(r#"1 - ((node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes{job="node"} or (node_memory_Buffers_bytes{job="node"} + node_memory_Cached_bytes{job="node"} + node_memory_MemFree_bytes{job="node"} + node_memory_Slab_bytes{job="node"}) ) / node_memory_MemTotal_bytes{job="node"})"#, { "bool": false, "lhs": { "type": "numberLiteral", "val": "1" }, "op": "-", "matching": null, "rhs": { "expr": { "bool": false, "lhs": { "expr": { "bool": false, "lhs": { "matchers": [ { "name": "job", "type": "=", "value": "node" } ], "name": "node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes", "offset": 0, "type": "vectorSelector", "startOrEnd": null, "timestamp": null }, "matching": { "card": "many-to-many", "include": [], "labels": [], "on": false }, "op": "or", "rhs": { "expr": { "bool": false, "lhs": { "bool": false, "lhs": { "bool": false, "lhs": { "matchers": [ { "name": "job", "type": "=", "value": "node" } ], "name": "node_memory_Buffers_bytes", "offset": 0, "type": "vectorSelector", "startOrEnd": null, "timestamp": null }, "matching": null, "op": "+", "rhs": { "matchers": [ { "name": "job", "type": "=", "value": "node" } ], "name": "node_memory_Cached_bytes", "offset": 0, "type": "vectorSelector", "startOrEnd": null, "timestamp": null }, "type": "binaryExpr" }, "matching": null, "op": "+", "rhs": { "matchers": [ { "name": "job", "type": "=", "value": "node" } ], "name": "node_memory_MemFree_bytes", "offset": 0, "type": "vectorSelector", "startOrEnd": null, "timestamp": null }, "type": "binaryExpr" }, "matching": null, "op": "+", "rhs": { "matchers": [ { "name": "job", "type": "=", "value": "node" } ], "name": "node_memory_Slab_bytes", "offset": 0, "type": "vectorSelector", "startOrEnd": null, "timestamp": null }, "type": "binaryExpr" }, "type": "parenExpr" }, "type": "binaryExpr" }, "type": "parenExpr" }, "matching": null, "op": "/", "rhs": { "matchers": [ { "name": "job", "type": "=", "value": "node" } ], "name": "node_memory_MemTotal_bytes", "offset": 0, "type": "vectorSelector", "startOrEnd": null, "timestamp": null }, "type": "binaryExpr" }, "type": "parenExpr" }, "type": "binaryExpr" } ); 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