Copyright (C) 2024 Space and Time Labs, Inc. Cryptographic Open Software License 1.0 This license contains the terms and conditions under which Space and Time Labs, Inc. ("Space and Time") makes available this Software. Your use of the Software is subject to these terms and conditions. Space and Time grants you ("Licensee") a license to use, modify, and redistribute the Software, but only (a) for Non-Commercial Use, or (b) for Commercial Use with the Space and Time Platform only. You must use the Software only as allowed by applicable law. If Licensee makes available a copy of the Software to any third party, the Software must be subject to the terms of this license only, and Licensee must provide a copy of this license to that third party. If Licensee makes changes or additions to the Software, Licensee may license those changes or additions under terms of Licensee's choice, but Licensee cannot change this license for the Software. These terms do not allow Licensee to sublicense or transfer any of Licensee’s rights to anyone else. These terms do not imply any other licenses not expressly granted in this license. If Licensee violates any of these terms, or uses the Software in a way not authorized under this license, the license granted to Licensee ends immediately. If Licensee makes, or authorizes any other person to make, any written claim that the Software, or any other product or service of Space and Time, infringes or contributes to infringement of any patent, all rights granted to Licensee under this license end immediately. As far as the law allows, the Software is provided AS IS, without any warranty or condition, and Space and Time will not be liable to Licensee for any damages arising out of these terms or the use or nature of the Software, under any kind of legal claim. If the disclaimer in this paragraph is unenforceable under applicable law, this license is void. Terms in this license are used as follows: The "Software" is any software made available by Space and Time under this license. A "Space and Time Product" is any product or service offered by Space and Time or its affiliates. "Non-Commercial Use" means personal, academic, scientific, or research and development use, or evaluating the Software, but does not include uses where the Software facilitates any transaction of economic value or supports any system that provides any economic or commercial value other than on the Space and Time Platform. Any use that is not a Non-Commercial Use is a "Commercial Use." "Space and Time Platform" means the enterprise data platform, or node operations within a Space and Time decentralized network, in each case for processing database queries with cryptographic proofs, that is made available by Space and Time. To "use" means any use, modification, distribution or other exploitation of the Software or any part of it.