# Running benchmarks ## Jaeger benchmarking To run benchmarks with Jaeger, you need to do the following 1. Spin up Jaeger service on port 6831 to receive the benchmarks trace data, and provides Jaeger UI on port 16686. ```bash docker run --rm -d --name jaeger -p 6831:6831/udp -p 16686:16686 jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest ``` 2. Run the benchmark. ```bash cargo bench -p proof-of-sql --bench jaeger_benches ``` 3. Navigate to http://localhost:16686/ to see the results. 4. To end the Jaeger service, run ```bash docker kill jaeger ``` ## Criterion benchmarking To run benchmarks with Criterion, you need to do the following 1. Run the benchmarks. (Warning: this takes a very long time.) ```bash cargo bench -p proof-of-sql --bench criterion_benches ``` 2. Navigate to `target/criterion/report/index.html` to see the results.