use crate::proto; use proto_mapper::{ProtoMap, ProtoMapScalar, ProtoScalar}; /// Fully expanded and manual experiments (these used to build the macros and the library traits synergy) #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default, PartialEq)] enum EntityStatus { #[default] StatusA, StatusB, StatusC, } // Example of manual implementation for enumeration to primitive impl ProtoMapScalar for EntityStatus { fn to_scalar(&self) -> i32 { match self { Self::StatusA => proto::prost::EntityStatus::StatusA.into(), Self::StatusB => proto::prost::EntityStatus::StatusB.into(), Self::StatusC => proto::prost::EntityStatus::StatusC.into(), } } fn from_scalar(proto: i32) -> Result { match proto { _ if proto == proto::prost::EntityStatus::StatusA as i32 => Ok(Self::StatusA), _ if proto == proto::prost::EntityStatus::StatusB as i32 => Ok(Self::StatusB), _ if proto == proto::prost::EntityStatus::StatusC as i32 => Ok(Self::StatusC), _ => Err(anyhow::anyhow!(format!( "Unable to match enumeration value {} to EntityStatus", proto ))), } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, PartialEq)] struct ScalarEntity { pub uint32_f: u32, pub int32_f: i32, pub bool_f: bool, pub string_f: String, pub bytes_f: Vec, pub status: EntityStatus, } // Example of manual implementation of entity with scalars and enumerations impl ProtoMap for ScalarEntity { type ProtoStruct = proto::prost::ScalarEntity; fn to_proto(&self) -> Self::ProtoStruct { let mut proto = proto::prost::ScalarEntity::default(); proto.uint32_f = ProtoMapScalar::to_scalar(&self.uint32_f); proto.int32_f = ProtoMapScalar::to_scalar(&self.int32_f); proto.bool_f = ProtoMapScalar::to_scalar(&self.bool_f); proto.string_f = ProtoMapScalar::to_scalar(&self.string_f); proto.bytes_f = ProtoMapScalar::to_scalar(&self.bytes_f); // Special case for enum proto.status = ProtoMapScalar::to_scalar(&self.status); proto } fn from_proto(proto: Self::ProtoStruct) -> Result { let inner = Self { uint32_f: ProtoMapScalar::from_scalar(proto.uint32_f)?, int32_f: ProtoMapScalar::from_scalar(proto.int32_f)?, bool_f: ProtoMapScalar::from_scalar(proto.bool_f)?, string_f: ProtoMapScalar::from_scalar(proto.string_f)?, bytes_f: ProtoMapScalar::from_scalar(proto.bytes_f)?, // Special case for enum status: ProtoMapScalar::from_scalar(proto.status)?, }; Ok(inner) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] struct ScalarEntityOptions { pub uint32_f: Option, pub int32_f: Option, pub bool_f: Option, pub string_f: Option, pub bytes_f: Option>, pub status: Option, } impl ProtoMap for ScalarEntityOptions { type ProtoStruct = proto::prost::ScalarEntity; fn to_proto(&self) -> Self::ProtoStruct { let mut proto = proto::prost::ScalarEntity::default(); // Only if there is value other default if let Some(value) = &self.uint32_f { proto.uint32_f = ProtoMapScalar::to_scalar(value); } // Only if there is value other default if let Some(value) = &self.int32_f { proto.int32_f = ProtoMapScalar::to_scalar(value); } if let Some(value) = &self.bool_f { proto.bool_f = ProtoMapScalar::to_scalar(value); } if let Some(value) = &self.string_f { proto.string_f = ProtoMapScalar::to_scalar(value); } if let Some(value) = &self.bytes_f { proto.bytes_f = ProtoMapScalar::to_scalar(value); } if let Some(value) = &self.status { proto.status = ProtoMapScalar::to_scalar(value); } proto } fn from_proto(proto: Self::ProtoStruct) -> Result { let inner = Self { // Special case for options uint32_f: { let value = proto.uint32_f; if ProtoScalar::has_value(&value) { Some(ProtoMapScalar::from_scalar(value)?) } else { None } }, int32_f: { let value = proto.int32_f; if ProtoScalar::has_value(&value) { Some(ProtoMapScalar::from_scalar(value)?) } else { None } }, bool_f: { let value = proto.bool_f; if ProtoScalar::has_value(&value) { Some(ProtoMapScalar::from_scalar(value)?) } else { None } }, string_f: { let value = proto.string_f; if ProtoScalar::has_value(&value) { Some(ProtoMapScalar::from_scalar(value)?) } else { None } }, bytes_f: { let value = proto.bytes_f; if ProtoScalar::has_value(&value) { Some(ProtoMapScalar::from_scalar(value)?) } else { None } }, // Special case for enumerations status: { let value = proto.status; if ProtoScalar::has_value(&value) { Some(ProtoMapScalar::from_scalar(value)?) } else { None } }, }; Ok(inner) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, PartialEq)] pub struct NestedEntity { first: ScalarEntity, second: Option, } impl ProtoMap for NestedEntity { type ProtoStruct = proto::prost::NestedEntity; fn to_proto(&self) -> Self::ProtoStruct { let mut proto = proto::prost::NestedEntity::default(); // Only if there is value other default proto.first = Some(ProtoMap::to_proto(&self.first)); if let Some(value) = &self.second { proto.second = Some(ProtoMap::to_proto(value)); } proto } fn from_proto(proto: Self::ProtoStruct) -> Result { let inner = Self { first: { if let Some(value) = proto.first { ProtoMap::from_proto(value)? } else { Default::default() } }, second: { if let Some(value) = proto.second { Some(ProtoMap::from_proto(value)?) } else { None } }, }; Ok(inner) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] enum HierarchyEntity { FirstEntity(ScalarEntity), SecondEntity(NestedEntity), } impl ProtoMap for HierarchyEntity { type ProtoStruct = proto::prost::HierarchyEntity; fn to_proto(&self) -> Self::ProtoStruct { let mut inner = Self::ProtoStruct::default(); match self { Self::FirstEntity(value) => = Some(proto::prost::hierarchy_entity::Data::FirstEntity(value.to_proto())), Self::SecondEntity(value) => = Some(proto::prost::hierarchy_entity::Data::SecondEntity(value.to_proto())), } inner } fn from_proto(proto: Self::ProtoStruct) -> std::result::Result { match { Some(proto::prost::hierarchy_entity::Data::FirstEntity(value)) => { ScalarEntity::from_proto(value) .map(Self::FirstEntity) } Some(proto::prost::hierarchy_entity::Data::SecondEntity(value)) => { NestedEntity::from_proto(value) .map(Self::SecondEntity) } _ => Err(anyhow::anyhow!(stringify!(Failed to decode enum HierarchyEntity from proto entity))) } } } #[test] fn entity_test_round_trip() { let original = ScalarEntity { uint32_f: 1, int32_f: 10, bool_f: true, string_f: "Foo".into(), bytes_f: "Foo".as_bytes().to_vec(), status: EntityStatus::StatusC, }; let p = original.to_proto(); let tested = ScalarEntity::from_proto(p).unwrap(); assert_eq!(tested, original); } #[test] fn proto_entity_test_round_trip() { let original = proto::prost::ScalarEntity { uint32_f: 1, int32_f: -10, bool_f: true, string_f: "Foo".into(), bytes_f: "Foo".as_bytes().to_vec(), status: proto::prost::EntityStatus::StatusA as i32, ..Default::default() }; let e = ScalarEntity::from_proto(original.clone()).unwrap(); let tested = e.to_proto(); assert_eq!(tested, original); } #[test] fn test_entity_with_options_round_trips() { let original = ScalarEntityOptions { uint32_f: Some(1), int32_f: Some(-10), bool_f: Some(true), string_f: Some("Foo".into()), bytes_f: Some("Foo".as_bytes().to_vec()), status: Some(EntityStatus::StatusC), }; let p = original.to_proto(); let tested = ScalarEntityOptions::from_proto(p).unwrap(); assert_eq!(tested, original); let original = ScalarEntityOptions { uint32_f: None, int32_f: None, bool_f: None, string_f: None, bytes_f: None, status: None, }; let p = original.to_proto(); let tested = ScalarEntityOptions::from_proto(p).unwrap(); assert_eq!(tested, original); assert_eq!(tested, original); } #[test] fn nested_entity_test_round_trips() { let entity = ScalarEntity { uint32_f: 1, int32_f: 10, bool_f: true, string_f: "Foo".into(), bytes_f: "Foo".as_bytes().to_vec(), status: EntityStatus::StatusC, }; let original = NestedEntity { first: entity.clone(), second: None, }; let p = original.to_proto(); let tested = NestedEntity::from_proto(p).unwrap(); assert_eq!(tested, original); let original = NestedEntity { first: entity.clone(), second: Some(entity.clone()), }; let p = original.to_proto(); let tested = NestedEntity::from_proto(p).unwrap(); assert_eq!(tested, original); } #[test] fn hierarchy_entity_round_trip() { let entity = ScalarEntity { uint32_f: 1, int32_f: 10, bool_f: true, string_f: "Foo".into(), bytes_f: "Foo".as_bytes().to_vec(), status: EntityStatus::StatusC, }; let nested = NestedEntity { first: entity.clone(), second: Some(entity.clone()), }; let original = HierarchyEntity::FirstEntity(entity); let p = original.to_proto(); let tested = HierarchyEntity::from_proto(p).unwrap(); assert_eq!(tested, original); let original = HierarchyEntity::SecondEntity(nested); let p = original.to_proto(); let tested = HierarchyEntity::from_proto(p).unwrap(); assert_eq!(tested, original); }