use protobin::builders::{MsgBuilder, MsgScribe}; use std::{fs::File, io::Write, process::ExitCode}; const PROTO_FILE: &'static str = " syntax = \"proto3\"; package dummy; message Person { optional string name = 1; optional int32 id = 2; optional string email = 3; } "; struct Person { name: String, id: i32, email: String, } // Sometimes you want to define a custom serialisation function // without coupling it to the type directly. In this case you can // define a function that handles the serialisation and use it // with the builder. fn ser_person(p: &Person, mut s: S) -> S::End { s.add_string(1.try_into().unwrap(), &; s.add_int32(2.try_into().unwrap(),; s.add_string(3.try_into().unwrap(), &; s.end() } fn main() -> ExitCode { if std::env::args().len() != 3 { eprintln!("Expected 2 arguments: "); return ExitCode::FAILURE; } // create file handles let mut proto_file = File::create(std::env::args().nth(1).unwrap()).unwrap(); let mut binary_file = File::create(std::env::args().nth(2).unwrap()).unwrap(); // setup a message build (should be re-used, it contains Vec's) let mut builder = MsgBuilder::new(); // generate proto file with the message definition proto_file.write_all(PROTO_FILE.as_bytes()).unwrap(); drop(proto_file); // setup the data that will be serialized let person = Person { name: "Greg".to_owned(), id: 1234, email: "".to_owned(), }; // generate message (needs two calls) // the first step calculates the internal lengths let step2 = ser_person(&person, builder.start(Some(0))); // the second step serializes the message let result = ser_person(&person, step2); // write to file binary_file.write_all(&result).unwrap(); drop(binary_file); ExitCode::SUCCESS }