// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd syntax = "proto2"; package nest; message Outer { message Inner { message InnerSubMsg { optional bool flag = 1; } enum InnerEnum { INNER_ENUM_UNSPECIFIED = 0; INNER_ENUM_FOO = 1; } optional double double = 1; optional float float = 2; optional int32 int32 = 3; optional int64 int64 = 4; optional uint32 uint32 = 5; optional uint64 uint64 = 6; optional sint32 sint32 = 7; optional sint64 sint64 = 8; optional fixed32 fixed32 = 9; optional fixed64 fixed64 = 10; optional sfixed32 sfixed32 = 11; optional sfixed64 sfixed64 = 12; optional bool bool = 13; optional string string = 14; optional bytes bytes = 15; optional InnerSubMsg inner_submsg = 16; optional InnerEnum inner_enum = 17; repeated int32 repeated_int32 = 18 [packed = true]; repeated InnerSubMsg repeated_inner_submsg = 19; map<string, string> string_map = 20; message SuperInner { message DuperInner { message EvenMoreInner { message CantBelieveItsSoInner { optional int32 num = 99; } enum JustWayTooInner { JUST_WAY_TOO_INNER_UNSPECIFIED = 0; } } } } } optional Inner inner = 1; optional .nest.Outer.Inner.SuperInner.DuperInner.EvenMoreInner .CantBelieveItsSoInner deep = 2; optional .nest.Outer.Inner.SuperInner.DuperInner.EvenMoreInner.JustWayTooInner deep_enum = 4; optional NotInside notinside = 3; } message NotInside { optional int32 num = 1; } message Recursive { optional Recursive rec = 1; optional int32 num = 2; }