use criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion}; use rand::Rng; use std::sync::Arc; use std::thread; use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime}; use tempfile::TempDir; use prov_cosmwasm_std::{coins, Empty}; use prov_cosmwasm_vm::testing::{ mock_backend, mock_env, mock_info, mock_instance_options, MockApi, MockQuerier, MockStorage, }; use prov_cosmwasm_vm::{ call_execute, call_instantiate, features_from_csv, Cache, CacheOptions, Checksum, Instance, InstanceOptions, Size, }; // Instance const DEFAULT_MEMORY_LIMIT: Size = Size::mebi(64); const DEFAULT_GAS_LIMIT: u64 = 1_000_000_000_000; // ~1ms const DEFAULT_INSTANCE_OPTIONS: InstanceOptions = InstanceOptions { gas_limit: DEFAULT_GAS_LIMIT, print_debug: false, }; const HIGH_GAS_LIMIT: u64 = 20_000_000_000_000_000; // ~20s, allows many calls on one instance // Cache const MEMORY_CACHE_SIZE: Size = Size::mebi(200); // Multi-threaded get_instance benchmark const INSTANTIATION_THREADS: usize = 128; const CONTRACTS: u64 = 10; static CONTRACT: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../testdata/hackatom.wasm"); fn bench_instance(c: &mut Criterion) { let mut group = c.benchmark_group("Instance"); group.bench_function("compile and instantiate", |b| { b.iter(|| { let backend = mock_backend(&[]); let (instance_options, memory_limit) = mock_instance_options(); let _instance = Instance::from_code(CONTRACT, backend, instance_options, memory_limit).unwrap(); }); }); group.bench_function("execute init", |b| { let backend = mock_backend(&[]); let much_gas: InstanceOptions = InstanceOptions { gas_limit: HIGH_GAS_LIMIT, ..DEFAULT_INSTANCE_OPTIONS }; let mut instance = Instance::from_code(CONTRACT, backend, much_gas, Some(DEFAULT_MEMORY_LIMIT)).unwrap(); b.iter(|| { let info = mock_info("creator", &coins(1000, "earth")); let msg = br#"{"verifier": "verifies", "beneficiary": "benefits"}"#; let contract_result = call_instantiate::<_, _, _, Empty>(&mut instance, &mock_env(), &info, msg).unwrap(); assert!(contract_result.into_result().is_ok()); }); }); group.bench_function("execute execute (release)", |b| { let backend = mock_backend(&[]); let much_gas: InstanceOptions = InstanceOptions { gas_limit: HIGH_GAS_LIMIT, ..DEFAULT_INSTANCE_OPTIONS }; let mut instance = Instance::from_code(CONTRACT, backend, much_gas, Some(DEFAULT_MEMORY_LIMIT)).unwrap(); let info = mock_info("creator", &coins(1000, "earth")); let msg = br#"{"verifier": "verifies", "beneficiary": "benefits"}"#; let contract_result = call_instantiate::<_, _, _, Empty>(&mut instance, &mock_env(), &info, msg).unwrap(); assert!(contract_result.into_result().is_ok()); b.iter(|| { let info = mock_info("verifies", &coins(15, "earth")); let msg = br#"{"release":{}}"#; let contract_result = call_execute::<_, _, _, Empty>(&mut instance, &mock_env(), &info, msg).unwrap(); assert!(contract_result.into_result().is_ok()); }); }); group.bench_function("execute execute (argon2)", |b| { let backend = mock_backend(&[]); let much_gas: InstanceOptions = InstanceOptions { gas_limit: HIGH_GAS_LIMIT, ..DEFAULT_INSTANCE_OPTIONS }; let mut instance = Instance::from_code(CONTRACT, backend, much_gas, Some(DEFAULT_MEMORY_LIMIT)).unwrap(); let info = mock_info("creator", &coins(1000, "earth")); let msg = br#"{"verifier": "verifies", "beneficiary": "benefits"}"#; let contract_result = call_instantiate::<_, _, _, Empty>(&mut instance, &mock_env(), &info, msg).unwrap(); assert!(contract_result.into_result().is_ok()); let mut gas_used = 0; b.iter(|| { let gas_before = instance.get_gas_left(); let info = mock_info("hasher", &[]); let msg = br#"{"argon2":{"mem_cost":256,"time_cost":3}}"#; let contract_result = call_execute::<_, _, _, Empty>(&mut instance, &mock_env(), &info, msg).unwrap(); assert!(contract_result.into_result().is_ok()); gas_used = gas_before - instance.get_gas_left(); }); println!("Gas used: {}", gas_used); }); group.finish(); } fn bench_cache(c: &mut Criterion) { let mut group = c.benchmark_group("Cache"); let options = CacheOptions { base_dir: TempDir::new().unwrap().into_path(), supported_features: features_from_csv("iterator,staking"), memory_cache_size: MEMORY_CACHE_SIZE, instance_memory_limit: DEFAULT_MEMORY_LIMIT, }; group.bench_function("save wasm", |b| { let cache: Cache = unsafe { Cache::new(options.clone()).unwrap() }; b.iter(|| { let result = cache.save_wasm(CONTRACT); assert!(result.is_ok()); }); }); group.bench_function("load wasm", |b| { let cache: Cache = unsafe { Cache::new(options.clone()).unwrap() }; let checksum = cache.save_wasm(CONTRACT).unwrap(); b.iter(|| { let result = cache.load_wasm(&checksum); assert!(result.is_ok()); }); }); group.bench_function("analyze", |b| { let cache: Cache = unsafe { Cache::new(options.clone()).unwrap() }; let checksum = cache.save_wasm(CONTRACT).unwrap(); b.iter(|| { let result = cache.analyze(&checksum); assert!(result.is_ok()); }); }); group.bench_function("instantiate from fs", |b| { let non_memcache = CacheOptions { base_dir: TempDir::new().unwrap().into_path(), supported_features: features_from_csv("iterator,staking"), memory_cache_size: Size(0), instance_memory_limit: DEFAULT_MEMORY_LIMIT, }; let cache: Cache = unsafe { Cache::new(non_memcache).unwrap() }; let checksum = cache.save_wasm(CONTRACT).unwrap(); b.iter(|| { let _ = cache .get_instance(&checksum, mock_backend(&[]), DEFAULT_INSTANCE_OPTIONS) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(cache.stats().hits_pinned_memory_cache, 0); assert_eq!(cache.stats().hits_memory_cache, 0); assert!(cache.stats().hits_fs_cache >= 1); assert_eq!(cache.stats().misses, 0); }); }); group.bench_function("instantiate from memory", |b| { let checksum = Checksum::generate(CONTRACT); let cache: Cache = unsafe { Cache::new(options.clone()).unwrap() }; // Load into memory cache .get_instance(&checksum, mock_backend(&[]), DEFAULT_INSTANCE_OPTIONS) .unwrap(); b.iter(|| { let backend = mock_backend(&[]); let _ = cache .get_instance(&checksum, backend, DEFAULT_INSTANCE_OPTIONS) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(cache.stats().hits_pinned_memory_cache, 0); assert!(cache.stats().hits_memory_cache >= 1); assert_eq!(cache.stats().hits_fs_cache, 1); assert_eq!(cache.stats().misses, 0); }); }); group.bench_function("instantiate from pinned memory", |b| { let checksum = Checksum::generate(CONTRACT); let cache: Cache = unsafe { Cache::new(options.clone()).unwrap() }; // Load into pinned memory; b.iter(|| { let backend = mock_backend(&[]); let _ = cache .get_instance(&checksum, backend, DEFAULT_INSTANCE_OPTIONS) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(cache.stats().hits_memory_cache, 0); assert!(cache.stats().hits_pinned_memory_cache >= 1); assert_eq!(cache.stats().hits_fs_cache, 1); assert_eq!(cache.stats().misses, 0); }); }); group.finish(); } pub fn bench_instance_threads(c: &mut Criterion) { c.bench_function("multi-threaded get_instance", |b| { let options = CacheOptions { base_dir: TempDir::new().unwrap().into_path(), supported_features: features_from_csv("iterator,staking"), memory_cache_size: MEMORY_CACHE_SIZE, instance_memory_limit: DEFAULT_MEMORY_LIMIT, }; let cache: Cache = unsafe { Cache::new(options).unwrap() }; let cache = Arc::new(cache); // Find sub-sequence helper fn find_subsequence(haystack: &[u8], needle: &[u8]) -> Option { haystack .windows(needle.len()) .position(|window| window == needle) } // Offset to the i32.const (0x41) 15731626 (0xf00baa) (unsigned leb128 encoded) instruction // data we want to replace let query_int_data = b"\x41\xaa\x97\xc0\x07"; let offset = find_subsequence(CONTRACT, query_int_data).unwrap() + 1; let mut leb128_buf = [0; 4]; let mut contract = CONTRACT.to_vec(); let mut random_checksum = || { let mut writable = &mut leb128_buf[..]; // Generates a random number in the range of a 4-byte unsigned leb128 encoded number let r = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(2097152..2097152 + CONTRACTS); leb128::write::unsigned(&mut writable, r).expect("Should write number"); // Splice data in contract contract.splice(offset..offset + leb128_buf.len(), leb128_buf); cache.save_wasm(contract.as_slice()).unwrap() // let checksum = cache.save_wasm(contract.as_slice()).unwrap(); // Preload into memory // cache // .get_instance(&checksum, mock_backend(&[]), DEFAULT_INSTANCE_OPTIONS) // .unwrap(); // checksum }; b.iter_custom(|iters| { let mut res = Duration::from_secs(0); for _ in 0..iters { let mut durations: Vec<_> = (0..INSTANTIATION_THREADS) .map(|_id| { let cache = Arc::clone(&cache); let checksum = random_checksum(); thread::spawn(move || { let checksum = checksum; // Perform measurement internally let t = SystemTime::now(); black_box( cache .get_instance( &checksum, mock_backend(&[]), DEFAULT_INSTANCE_OPTIONS, ) .unwrap(), ); t.elapsed().unwrap() }) }) .collect::>() .into_iter() .map(|handle| handle.join().unwrap()) .collect(); // join threads, collect durations // Calculate median thread duration durations.sort_unstable(); res += durations[durations.len() / 2]; } res }); }); } fn make_config() -> Criterion { Criterion::default() .without_plots() .measurement_time(Duration::new(10, 0)) .sample_size(12) .configure_from_args() } criterion_group!( name = instance; config = make_config(); targets = bench_instance ); criterion_group!( name = cache; config = make_config(); targets = bench_cache ); criterion_group!( name = multi_threaded_instance; config = Criterion::default() .without_plots() .measurement_time(Duration::new(16, 0)) .sample_size(10) .configure_from_args(); targets = bench_instance_threads ); criterion_main!(instance, cache, multi_threaded_instance);