#!/bin/bash # Uses valgrind's massif tool to compute heap memory consumption of compiled modules. # For a wasmer `Modulej , it has been determined that this method underestimates the size # of the module significanty. # Use loupe::size_of_val instead, to get a better estimation. set -e MAX_SNAPSHOTS=1000 WASM="$1" [ -z "$WASM" ] && echo "Usage: $0 .wasm" && exit 1 PROFILE="release" MEM_UTIL="valgrind --tool=massif --max-snapshots=$MAX_SNAPSHOTS" SUM_UTIL="ms_print" PROG=$(basename $0 .sh) BASE_DIR=$(dirname $0)/.. # Look for the useful info FNS="module_compile module_deserialize" BIN="$BASE_DIR/../../target/$PROFILE/examples/$PROG" RESULTS="$BASE_DIR/$PROG.log" SUMMARY="$BASE_DIR/ms_print.log" if [ "$PROFILE" = "release" ]; then RUSTFLAGS="-g" cargo build --release --example $PROG else cargo build --example $PROG fi $MEM_UTIL --massif-out-file=$RESULTS $BIN $WASM $SUM_UTIL $RESULTS >$SUMMARY for FN in $FNS; do # Try to compute $FN() total (heap) bytes LAST_LINE=$(grep -n "::$FN " $SUMMARY | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d:) if [ -z "$LAST_LINE" ]; then echo -n "'$FN' not found. " [ $MAX_SNAPSHOTS -lt 1000 ] && echo "Try increasing MAX_SNAPSHOTS (current: $MAX_SNAPSHOTS, max: 1000). " || echo "Try again." continue fi TOTAL_LINES=$(wc -l $SUMMARY | cut -f1 -d\ ) START_LINE=$((TOTAL_LINES - $LAST_LINE + 1)) echo -n "module size ($FN): " tac $SUMMARY | sed -n "$START_LINE,/^ n /p" | grep "::$FN " | cut -f2 -d\( | cut -f1 -d\) | sort -u | sed 's/,//g;s/B//' | sed ':a;N;s/\n/+/;ta' | bc -l | sed 's/$/ bytes/' done