# Contributing Contributions are absolutely, positively welcome and encouraged! Contributions come in many forms. You could: 1. Submit a feature request or bug report as an [issue]. 2. Ask for improved documentation as an [issue]. 3. Comment on [issues that require feedback]. 4. Contribute code via [pull requests]. 5. Propose a pair-programming session to [alepez](https://devand.dev/chat/alepez) ## Setting up your local development environment Project is currently built with `rustc 1.56.0` and tested on x86_64 Linux. To build the project with `egui` feature enabled, you also need to install a gcc compiler and libxcb. On a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 you just need to install: ```shell sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libxcb-render0-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev ``` For detailed informations on prerequisites, you can refer to [CICD GitHub Workflow]. [issue]: https://github.com/alepez/provola/issues [issues that require feedback]: https://github.com/alepez/provola/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22feedback+wanted%22 [pull requests]: https://github.com/alepez/provola/pulls [CICD GitHub Workflow]: https://github.com/alepez/provola/blob/main/.github/workflows/cicd.yml