use insta::assert_snapshot; use prql::*; #[test] fn parse_simple_string_to_ast() -> Result<()> { assert_eq!( serde_yaml::to_string(&parse("select 1")?)?, r#"--- nodes: - Pipeline: - Select: - Raw: "1" "# ); Ok(()) } #[test] fn transpile_variables() -> Result<()> { assert_snapshot!(compile("select 1")?, @r###" SELECT 1 "###); assert_snapshot!(compile( r#" from employees filter country = "USA" # Each line transforms the previous result. derive [ # This adds columns / variables. gross_salary: salary + payroll_tax, gross_cost: gross_salary + benefits_cost # Variables can use other variables. ] filter gross_cost > 0 aggregate by:[title, country] [ # `by` are the columns to group by. average salary, # These are aggregation calcs run on each group. sum salary, average gross_salary, sum gross_salary, average gross_cost, sum_gross_cost: sum gross_cost, count: count, ] sort sum_gross_cost filter ct > 200 take 20 "#)?, @r###" SELECT TOP (20) title, country, AVG(salary), SUM(salary), AVG(salary + payroll_tax), SUM(salary + payroll_tax), AVG(salary + payroll_tax + benefits_cost), SUM(salary + payroll_tax + benefits_cost) AS sum_gross_cost, COUNT(*) AS count FROM employees WHERE country = 'USA' AND salary + payroll_tax + benefits_cost > 0 GROUP BY title, country HAVING ct > 200 ORDER BY sum_gross_cost "###); Ok(()) } #[test] fn transpile_functions() -> Result<()> { // TODO: Compare to canoncial example: // - Window func not yet built. let prql = r#" func lag_day x = s"lag_day_todo({x})" func ret x = x / (lag_day x) - 1 + dividend_return func if_valid x = s"IF(is_valid_price, {x}, NULL)" from prices derive [ return_total: if_valid (ret prices_adj), ] "#; let result = compile(prql)?; assert_snapshot!(result, @r###" SELECT *, IF( is_valid_price, prices_adj / lag_day_todo(prices_adj) - 1 + dividend_return, NULL ) AS return_total FROM prices "###); // Assert that the nested function has been run. assert!(!result.contains(&"ret prices_adj")); assert!(!result.contains(&"lag_day prices_adj")); Ok(()) } #[test] fn transpile_joins() -> Result<()> { // TODO: issues, as outlined in // - we need table aliases in joins and froms because joins get real long. // Also, I think that using only emp_no in second select will not resolve // to table_0.emp_no. // - Possibly use `USING` to make these even shorter, // though there are very small differences between inner & equi joins. // Though probably we should favor equi-joins. let result = compile( r#" from employees join side:left salaries [salaries.emp_no = employees.emp_no] aggregate by:[employees.emp_no] [ emp_salary: average salary ] join side:left titles [titles.emp_no = emp_no] join dept_emp [dept_emp.emp_no = emp_no] aggregate by:[dept_emp.dept_no, titles.title] [ avg_salary: average emp_salary ] join side:left departments [departments.dept_no = dept_no] select [dept_name, title, avg_salary] "#, )?; assert_snapshot!(result, @r###" WITH table_0 AS ( SELECT employees.emp_no, AVG(salary) AS emp_salary FROM employees LEFT JOIN salaries ON salaries.emp_no = employees.emp_no GROUP BY employees.emp_no ), table_1 AS ( SELECT dept_emp.dept_no, titles.title, AVG(emp_salary) AS avg_salary FROM table_0 LEFT JOIN titles ON titles.emp_no = emp_no JOIN dept_emp ON dept_emp.emp_no = emp_no GROUP BY dept_emp.dept_no, titles.title ) SELECT dept_name, title, avg_salary FROM table_1 LEFT JOIN departments ON departments.dept_no = dept_no "###); // #213 assert!(!result.to_lowercase().contains(&"avg(avg")); Ok(()) }