Day 3 : Evening Prayer 18 - Diligam te, Domine 1 I will love you, O Lord my strength; * the Lord is my rock, my stronghold, and my deliverer, 2 My Savior, my God, and my might in whom I will trust, * my buckler, the horn of my salvation, and my refuge. 3 I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised; * so shall I be safe from my enemies. 4 The waves of death encompassed me; * the floods that would swallow me up made me afraid. 5 The cords of the grave surrounded me; * the snares of death overtook me. 6 In my trouble I called upon the Lord * and cried unto my God for help. 7 From his holy temple he heard my voice. * My complaint came before him; it entered into his ears. 8 The earth trembled and quaked; * the very foundations of the hills shook and were removed, because he was angry. 9 There went out smoke from his nostrils and a consuming fire out of his mouth; * coals of fire issued from his presence. 10 He parted the heavens also and came down, * and it was dark under his feet. 11 He rode upon the cherubim and flew; * he came flying upon the wings of the wind. 12 He made darkness his secret place; * dark waters and thick clouds were his covering round about him. 13 At the brightness of his presence his clouds broke forth: * hailstones and coals of fire. 14 The Lord also thundered out of heaven, and the Most High gave forth his voice: * hailstones and coals of fire. 15 He sent out his arrows and scattered them; * he cast forth lightning and destroyed them. 16 The springs of water were seen, and the foundations of the world were uncovered, * at your rebuke, O Lord, at the blasting of the breath of your displeasure. 17 He reached down from on high to grasp me, * and he took me out of many waters. 18 He delivered me from my strongest enemy, and from those who hated me, * for they were too mighty for me. 19 They confronted me in the day of my trouble, * but the Lord upheld me. 20 He brought me forth into a place of liberty; * he delivered me, because I had found favor in his eyes. 21 The Lord rewarded me according to my righteous dealing; * according to the cleanness of my hands he recompensed me, 22 Because I had kept the ways of the Lord * and had not forsaken my God, as the wicked do. 23 For I had an eye unto all his laws * and did not cast out his commandments from me. 24 I was also uncorrupt before him * and kept myself from my own wickedness. 25 Therefore the Lord rewarded me according to my righteous dealing, * and according to the cleanness of my hands in his sight. 26 With the faithful you show yourself faithful, * and with the upright you show yourself upright. 27 With the pure you show yourself pure, * but with the crooked you show yourself shrewd. 28 For you shall save the people who are in adversity, * but shall bring down the high looks of the proud. 29 You also shall light my lamp; * the Lord my God shall turn my darkness into light. 30 For with you I shall crush a host of men, * and with the help of my God I can leap over a wall. 31 The way of God is an undefiled way; the word of the Lord also is tried in the fire; * he is the defender of all those who put their trust in him. 32 For who is God, but the Lord, * or who is a rock, except our God? 33 It is God who girds me with strength for war * and makes my way perfect. 34 He makes my feet like the feet of a deer * and sets me up on high. 35 He teaches my hands to fight, * and my arms shall bend even a bow of bronze. 36 You have given me the shield of your salvation; * your right hand also shall hold me up, and your loving correction shall make me great. 37 You have made a broad path for my feet, * and my footsteps shall not slip. 38 I will follow my enemies and overtake them; * I will not turn again until I have destroyed them. 39 I will smite them, and they shall not be able to stand. * They shall fall under my feet. 40 You have girded me with strength for the battle; * you shall throw down my enemies under me. 41 You have made my enemies turn their backs upon me, * and I shall destroy those who hate me. 42 They shall cry, but there shall be none to help them; * even unto the Lord shall they cry, but he shall not hear them. 43 I will beat them as small as dust before the wind; * I will tread them down as mire in the streets. 44 You shall deliver me from the strivings of the peoples, * and you shall make me the head of the nations. 45 A people whom I have not known * shall be in subjection under me. 46 As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me; * and foreigners shall cringe before me. 47 Foreigners shall lose heart, * and, being afraid, shall come out of their strongholds. 48 The Lord lives, and blessed be my rock, * and praised be the God of my salvation, 49 Even the God who sees that I am avenged * and subdues the peoples under me. 50 It is he who delivers me from my cruel enemies, and lifts me up above my adversaries; * you shall rid me of the wicked. 51 For this cause will I give thanks unto you, O Lord, among the nations, * and sing praises unto your Name. 52 Great prosperity he gives unto his King, * and shows loving-kindness to David his Anointed, and unto his seed for evermore.