Psalm 49 1   Hear this, all you peoples; ♦ listen, all you that dwell in the world, 2   You of low or high degree, ♦ both rich and poor together. 3   My mouth shall speak of wisdom ♦ and my heart shall meditate on understanding. 4   I will incline my ear to a parable; ♦ I will unfold my riddle with the lyre. 5   Why should I fear in evil days, ♦ when the malice of my foes surrounds me, 6   Such as trust in their goods ♦ and glory in the abundance of their riches? 7   For no one can indeed ransom another ♦ or pay to God the price of deliverance. 8   To ransom a soul is too costly; ♦ there is no price one could pay for it, 9   So that they might live for ever, ♦ and never see the grave. 10  For we see that the wise die also; with the foolish and ignorant they perish ♦ and leave their riches to others. 11  Their tomb is their home for ever, their dwelling through all generations, ♦ though they call their lands after their own names. 12  Those who have honour, but lack understanding, ♦ are like the beasts that perish. 13  Such is the way of those who boast in themselves, ♦ the end of those who delight in their own words. 14  Like a flock of sheep they are destined to die; death is their shepherd; ♦ they go down straight to the Pit. 15  Their beauty shall waste away, ♦ and the land of the dead shall be their dwelling. 16  But God shall ransom my soul; ♦ from the grasp of death will he take me. 17  Be not afraid if some grow rich ♦ and the glory of their house increases, 18  For they will carry nothing away when they die, ♦ nor will their glory follow after them. 19  Though they count themselves happy while they live ♦ and praise you for your success, 20  They shall enter the company of their ancestors ♦ who will nevermore see the light. 21  Those who have honour, but lack understanding, ♦ are like the beasts that perish.