76 - Notus in Judæa 1 In Judah God is known; * his Name is great in Israel. 2 At Salem is his tabernacle, * and his dwelling is in Zion. 3 There he broke the arrows of the bow, * the shield, the sword, and the weapons of battle. 4 You are of more honor and might * than the everlasting hills. 5 The strong of heart have been despoiled; they have slept their sleep; * and all those whose hands were mighty have lost their strength. 6 At your rebuke, O God of Jacob, * both the chariot and horse lie stunned upon the ground. 7 You, even you, are to be feared, * and who may stand in your sight when you are angry? 8 You caused your judgment to be heard from heaven; * the earth trembled and was silent, 9 When God arose to judgment * and to help all the meek upon earth. 10 The wrath of man shall be turned to your praise, * and the remnant of fierceness you shall restrain. 11 Make a vow unto the Lord your God and keep it, all you who are round about him; * bring gifts unto him who is worthy to be feared. 12 He restrains the spirit of princes, * and is feared among the kings of the earth.