88 Domine Deus 1 O Lord God of my salvation, I have cried day and night before you; * O let my prayer enter into your presence; incline your ear to my call. 2 For my soul is full of trouble, * and my life draws nigh to the Grave. 3 I am counted as one of those who go down into the pit, * and I have become as one who has no strength. 4 I have become like the dead, and like the slain who lie in the grave, * whom you remember no more, and who are cut off from your hand. 5 You have laid me in the lowest pit, * in a place of darkness, and in the deep. 6 Your indignation lies heavy upon me, * and you have overwhelmed me with all your storms. 7 You have put my friends far from me, * and made me to be abhorred by them. 8 I am in prison; * I cannot go forth. 9 My sight fails because of trouble; * Lord, I have called daily upon you; I have stretched forth my hands unto you. d a y 17 : m o r n i n g p r a y e r | p s a l m 8 8 |384 t h e p s a l t e r 10 Do you show wonders among the dead, * or shall the dead rise up again and praise you? 11 Shall your loving-kindness be shown in the grave, * or your faithfulness in destruction? 12 Shall your wondrous works be known in the dark, * and your righteousness in the land where all things are forgotten? 13 Unto you have I cried, O Lord, * and early shall my prayer come before you. 14 Lord, why do you cast off my soul * and hide your face from me? 15 I am in misery, like one who is at the point of death; * even from my youth, your terrors have I suffered with a troubled mind. 16 Your wrathful displeasure goes over me, * and the fear of you has undone me. 17 Daily they come round about me like water, * and encompass me on every side. 18 My companions and neighbors you have put away from me, * and hidden my friends out of my sight.