use ink::{ prelude::{string::String, vec, vec::Vec}, primitives::AccountId, storage::Mapping, }; #[cfg(feature = "std")] use ink::storage::traits::StorageLayout; use crate::data::balance_manager::Balances; use crate::PSP34Error; /// Type for a PSP34 token id. /// Contains all the possible permutations of id according to the standard. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, scale::Encode, scale::Decode)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(scale_info::TypeInfo, StorageLayout))] pub enum Id { U8(u8), U16(u16), U32(u32), U64(u64), U128(u128), Bytes(Vec), } /// Temporary type for events emitted during operations that change the /// state of PSP34Data struct. /// This is meant to be replaced with proper ink! events as soon as the /// language allows for event definitions outside contracts. pub enum PSP34Event { Transfer { from: Option, to: Option, id: Id, }, Approval { owner: AccountId, operator: AccountId, id: Option, approved: bool, }, AttributeSet { id: Id, key: Vec, data: Vec, }, } /// A class implementing the internal logic of a PSP34 token. // /// Holds the state of all account balances and approvals. /// Each method of this class corresponds to one type of transaction /// as defined in the PSP34 standard. // /// Since this code is outside of `ink::contract` macro, the caller's /// address cannot be obtained automatically. Because of that, all /// the methods that need to know the caller require an additional argument /// (compared to transactions defined by the PSP34 standard or the PSP34 trait). // /// `` contains an example implementation of a smart contract using this class. #[ink::storage_item] #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct PSP34Data { token_owner: Mapping, operator_approvals: Mapping<(AccountId, AccountId, Option), ()>, balance: Balances, } impl PSP34Data { /// Creates a token with default values for every field. /// Initially held by the 'creator' account. pub fn new() -> PSP34Data { Default::default() } pub fn total_supply(&self) -> u128 { self.balance.total_supply() } pub fn balance_of(&self, owner: AccountId) -> u32 { self.balance.balance_of(&owner) } pub fn owner_of(&self, id: &Id) -> Option { self.token_owner.get(id) } pub fn allowance(&self, owner: AccountId, operator: AccountId, id: Option<&Id>) -> bool { self.operator_approvals .get((owner, operator, &None)) .is_some() || id.is_some() && self.operator_approvals.get((owner, operator, id)).is_some() } pub fn collection_id(&self, account_id: AccountId) -> Id { Id::Bytes(<_ as AsRef<[u8; 32]>>::as_ref(&account_id).to_vec()) } /// Sets a new `approved` for a token `id` or for all tokens if no `id` is provided, /// granted by `caller` to `operator`. /// Overwrites the previously granted value. pub fn approve( &mut self, mut caller: AccountId, operator: AccountId, id: Option, approved: bool, ) -> Result, PSP34Error> { if let Some(id) = &id { let owner = self.owner_of(id).ok_or(PSP34Error::TokenNotExists)?; if approved && owner == operator { return Err(PSP34Error::SelfApprove); } if owner != caller && !self.allowance(owner, caller, None) { return Err(PSP34Error::NotApproved); } if !approved && self.allowance(owner, operator, None) { return Err(PSP34Error::Custom(String::from( "Cannot revoke approval for a single token, when the operator has approval for all tokens." ))); } caller = owner; } if approved { self.operator_approvals .insert((caller, operator, id.as_ref()), &()); } else { self.operator_approvals .remove((caller, operator, id.as_ref())); } Ok(vec![PSP34Event::Approval { owner: caller, operator, id, approved, }]) } /// Transfers `value` tokens from `caller` to `to`. pub fn transfer( &mut self, caller: AccountId, to: AccountId, id: Id, _data: Vec, ) -> Result, PSP34Error> { let owner = self.owner_of(&id).ok_or(PSP34Error::TokenNotExists)?; if owner == to { return Ok(vec![]); } if owner != caller && !self.allowance(owner, caller, Some(&id)) { return Err(PSP34Error::NotApproved); } self.balance.decrease_balance(&owner, &id, false); self.operator_approvals.remove((owner, caller, Some(&id))); self.token_owner.remove(&id); self.token_owner.insert(&id, &to); self.balance.increase_balance(&to, &id, false)?; Ok(vec![PSP34Event::Transfer { from: Some(caller), to: Some(to), id, }]) } /// Mints a token `id` to `account`. pub fn mint(&mut self, account: AccountId, id: Id) -> Result, PSP34Error> { if self.owner_of(&id).is_some() { return Err(PSP34Error::TokenExists); } self.balance.increase_balance(&account, &id, true)?; self.token_owner.insert(&id, &account); Ok(vec![PSP34Event::Transfer { from: None, to: Some(account), id, }]) } /// Burns token `id` from `account`, conducted by `caller` pub fn burn( &mut self, caller: AccountId, account: AccountId, id: Id, ) -> Result, PSP34Error> { if self.owner_of(&id).is_none() { return Err(PSP34Error::TokenNotExists); } if account != caller && !self.allowance(caller, account, None) { return Err(PSP34Error::NotApproved); } self.balance.decrease_balance(&account, &id, true); self.token_owner.remove(&id); Ok(vec![PSP34Event::Transfer { from: Some(account), to: None, id, }]) } pub fn owners_token_by_index(&self, owner: AccountId, index: u128) -> Result { self.balance.owners_token_by_index(owner, index) } pub fn token_by_index(&self, index: u128) -> Result { self.balance.token_by_index(index) } } impl Default for Id { fn default() -> Self { Self::U128(0) } } impl From for u128 { fn from(id: Id) -> Self { match id { Id::U8(val) => val as u128, Id::U16(val) => val as u128, Id::U32(val) => val as u128, Id::U64(val) => val as u128, Id::U128(val) => val, Id::Bytes(val) => u128::from_be_bytes(val.as_slice().try_into().unwrap()), } } } //For non-enumerable version only visit: pub mod balance_manager { use ink::{prelude::vec::Vec, primitives::AccountId, storage::Mapping}; use crate::{data::Id, PSP34Error}; #[ink::storage_item] #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct Balances { enumerable: Mapping, Vec>, } impl Balances { pub fn new() -> Balances { Default::default() } pub fn owners_token_by_index( &self, owner: AccountId, index: u128, ) -> Result { self._get_value(&Some(owner), index) .ok_or(PSP34Error::TokenNotExists) } pub fn token_by_index(&self, index: u128) -> Result { self._get_value(&None, index) .ok_or(PSP34Error::TokenNotExists) } fn _get_value(&self, key: &Option, index: u128) -> Option { self.enumerable .get(key) .and_then(|values| values.get(usize::try_from(index).unwrap()).cloned()) } fn _insert(&mut self, key: &Option, value: &Id) { let mut values = self.enumerable.get(key).unwrap_or_default(); values.push(value.clone()); self.enumerable.insert(key, &values); } pub fn insert(&mut self, key: &Option, value: &Id){ self._insert(key, value); } fn _remove(&mut self, key: &Option, value: &Id) { if let Some(mut values) = self.enumerable.get(key) { if let Some(pos) = values.iter().position(|v| v == value) { values.swap_remove(pos); self.enumerable.insert(key, &values); } } } fn _count(&self, key: &Option) -> u128 { self.enumerable .get(key) .map_or(0, |values| values.len()) .try_into() .unwrap() } pub fn balance_of(&self, owner: &AccountId) -> u32 { self._count(&Some(*owner)) as u32 } pub fn increase_balance( &mut self, owner: &AccountId, id: &Id, increase_supply: bool, ) -> Result<(), PSP34Error> { self._insert(&Some(*owner), id); if increase_supply { self._insert(&None, id); } Ok(()) } pub fn decrease_balance(&mut self, owner: &AccountId, id: &Id, decrease_supply: bool) { self._remove(&Some(*owner), id); if self.balance_of(owner) == 0 { self.enumerable.remove(Some(owner)); } if decrease_supply { self._remove(&None, id); } } pub fn total_supply(&self) -> u128 { self._count(&None) } } } #[ink::storage_item] #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct Data { attributes: Mapping<(Id, Vec), Vec>, } impl Data { pub fn get_attribute(&self, id: Id, key: Vec) -> Option> { self.attributes.get((&id, &key)) } pub fn set_attribute( &mut self, id: Id, key: Vec, value: Vec, ) -> Result, PSP34Error> { self.attributes.insert((&id, &key), &value); Ok(vec![PSP34Event::AttributeSet { id, key, data: value, }]) } }