pssh-rs is a parallel ssh tool written in rust. ## Example 1. Generate config file template: ```bash ./pssh-rs init ``` after this command, `hosts.toml` will be generated at the current directory, change file contents and using --config ./hosts.toml argument to use this file. 2. run `date` command on default hosts: ```bash ./pssh-rs --config=./hosts.toml --num_threads=10 run 'date' ``` run `date` on all nginx hosts ```bash ./pssh-rs --config=./hosts.toml --num_threads=10 -s nginx run 'date' ``` 3. send file to remote hosts: ```bash ./pssh-rs --config=./hosts.toml send ./hello.txt /tmp/ ``` ## Install just run `cargo install pssh-rs` to install. ## Building pssh-rs can be built with `cargo build --release`, or using the following command to build statically: ```bash sudo apt install musl-tools -y rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl cargo build --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --release ```