# pstoedit-sys [![CI sys](https://github.com/hanmertens/pstoedit-rs/workflows/CI%20sys/badge.svg)](https://github.com/hanmertens/pstoedit-rs/actions?query=workflow%3A"CI+sys") Native bindings to [pstoedit](http://pstoedit.net). This crate contains low-level bindings to the C API of pstoedit, a C++ program that can translate PostScript and PDF graphics into other vector formats. ## Requirements and compatibility Only dynamic linking to pstoedit is supported, so pstoedit needs to be installed. Multiple versions are supported, but the appropriate feature starting with `pstoedit_` has to be enabled to prevent a runtime `IncompatibleVersion` error. If multiple are specified, the first in the following list takes precedence. - `pstoedit_4_01`: compatible with pstoedit version 4.01, and likely with future 4.xx releases. - `pstoedit_4_00`: compatible with pstoedit version 4.00–4.01, and likely with future 4.xx releases. - No feature starting with `pstoedit_`: compatible with pstoedit version 3.17–3.78. ## License Licensed under the GNU General Public License; either version 2 of the License ([LICENSE](LICENSE) or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html), or (at your option) any later version.