use publicsuffix::{List, Psl, Type}; use rspec::report::ExampleResult; use std::sync::LazyLock; use std::{env, mem, str}; static LIST: LazyLock = LazyLock::new(|| include_str!("public_suffix_list.dat").parse().unwrap()); #[test] fn list_behaviour() { rspec::run(&rspec::describe("the official test", (), |ctx| { let mut parse = false; // `tests.txt` was downloaded from // for (i, line) in include_str!("tests.txt").lines().enumerate() { match line { line if line.trim().is_empty() => { parse = true; continue; } line if line.starts_with("//") => { continue; } line => { if !parse { continue; } let mut test = line.split_whitespace().peekable(); if test.peek().is_none() { continue; } let input = match { Some("null") => "", Some(res) => res, None => panic!("line {} of the test file doesn't seem to be valid", i), }; if !expected_tld(input) || (cfg!(not(feature = "punycode")) && input.contains("xn--")) { continue; } let (expected_root, expected_suffix) = match { Some("null") => (None, None), Some(root) => { let suffix = { let parts: Vec<&str> = root.split('.').rev().collect(); (&parts[ - 1]) .iter() .rev() .map(|part| *part) .collect::>() .join(".") }; (Some(root.to_string()), Some(suffix.to_string())) } None => panic!("line {} of the test file doesn't seem to be valid", i), }; let (found_root, found_suffix) = if input.starts_with(".") || input.contains("..") { (None, None) } else { LIST.domain(input.to_lowercase().as_bytes()) .map(|d| { let domain = str::from_utf8(d.as_bytes()).unwrap().to_string(); let suffix = str::from_utf8(d.suffix().as_bytes()).unwrap().to_string(); (Some(domain), Some(suffix)) }) .unwrap_or((None, None)) }; ctx.when(msg(format!("input is `{}`", input)), |ctx| { let full_domain = expected_root.is_some();!("means the root domain {}", val(&expected_root))), move |_| { if expected_root == found_root { ExampleResult::Success } else { let msg = format!("expected `{:?}` but found `{:?}` on line {} of `test_psl.txt`", expected_root, found_root, i+1); ExampleResult::Failure(Some(msg)) } }); if full_domain {!("also means the suffix {}", val(&expected_suffix))), move |_| { if expected_suffix == found_suffix { ExampleResult::Success } else { let msg = format!("expected `{:?}` but found `{:?}` on line {} of `test_psl.txt`", expected_suffix, found_suffix, i+1); ExampleResult::Failure(Some(msg)) } }); } }); } } } })); rspec::run(&rspec::describe("suffix tests", (), |ctx| { let extra = vec![ ( "", "za", ), ("", "jp"), ("", "jp"), #[cfg(feature = "anycase")] ("", "bar.platformsh.Site"), ("", ""), ("", "sh"), ("sh", "sh"), (".", "."), ("", "com."), ("www.食狮.中国", "中国"), #[cfg(feature = "punycode")] ("", ""), ("", ""), ("", "com."), ("", "z"), ("", ""), ]; for (input, expected) in extra { if !expected_tld(input) { continue; } ctx.when(msg(format!("input is `{}`", input)), |ctx| { let expected_suffix = Some(expected); msg(format!( "means the suffix {}", val(& )), move |_| { let suffix = LIST.suffix(input.as_bytes()).unwrap(); if suffix == expected { ExampleResult::Success } else { let msg = format!( "expected `{:?}` but found `{:?}`", expected_suffix, Some(str::from_utf8(suffix.as_bytes()).unwrap().to_string()) ); ExampleResult::Failure(Some(msg)) } }, ); }); } })); rspec::run(&rspec::describe("suffix type tests", (), |ctx| { let extra = vec![ ( "", false, None, ), ("", true, Some(Type::Icann)), ("", true, Some(Type::Icann)), ("", true, Some(Type::Private)), ("", true, Some(Type::Private)), ("", true, Some(Type::Icann)), ("sh", true, Some(Type::Icann)), (".", false, None), ("example.gafregsrse", false, None), ("www.食狮.中国", true, Some(Type::Icann)), #[cfg(feature = "punycode")] ("", true, Some(Type::Icann)), ]; for (input, known_suffix, typ) in extra { if !expected_tld(input) { continue; } ctx.when(msg(format!("input is `{}`", input)), |ctx| { msg(format!( "means known suffix {}", val(&Some(known_suffix.to_string())) )), move |_| { let suffix = LIST.suffix(input.as_bytes()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(suffix.typ(), typ); if suffix.is_known() == known_suffix { ExampleResult::Success } else { let msg = format!( "expected `{:?}` but found `{:?}`", known_suffix, suffix.is_known() ); ExampleResult::Failure(Some(msg)) } }, ); }); } })); } // Converts a String to &'static str // // This will leak memory but that's OK for our testing purposes fn msg(s: String) -> &'static str { unsafe { let ret = mem::transmute(&s as &str); mem::forget(s); ret } } fn val(s: &Option) -> String { match *s { Some(ref v) => format!("should be `{}`", v), None => format!("is invalid"), } } fn expected_tld(input: &str) -> bool { let var = if let Ok(var) = env::var("PSL_TLD") { var } else { String::new() }; var.trim().is_empty() || input.trim().trim_end_matches('.').ends_with(&var) }