use cucumber::gherkin::Scenario; use cucumber::{given, then, World}; use std::collections::HashMap; use pubnub::providers::deserialization_serde::DeserializerSerde; use pubnub::subscribe::{Subscription, SubscriptionSet}; use pubnub::transport::middleware::PubNubMiddleware; use pubnub::{ core::{PubNubError, RequestRetryConfiguration}, dx::{ access::{permissions, GrantTokenResult, RevokeTokenResult}, publish::PublishResult, }, transport::TransportReqwest, Keyset, PubNubClient, PubNubClientBuilder, }; use std::fmt::Debug; /// Type of resource for which permissions currently configured. #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub enum PAMCurrentResourceType { Channel, ChannelGroup, UserId, #[default] None, } impl From<&String> for PAMCurrentResourceType { fn from(value: &String) -> Self { if value == "CHANNEL" { Self::Channel } else if value == "CHANNEL_GROUP" { Self::ChannelGroup } else if value == "UUID" { Self::UserId } else { Self::None } } } /// PAM token configuration requires repetitive objects, so it better to be /// stored as structure. #[derive(Default, Debug)] pub struct PAMPermissions { pub channels: Vec, pub groups: Vec, pub user_ids: Vec, } impl PAMPermissions { pub fn permissions(&self) -> Vec> { let mut vec: Vec> = vec![]; self.channels.iter().for_each(|el| { vec.push(Box::new(permissions::ChannelPermission { name:, bits: el.bits, })) }); self.groups.iter().for_each(|el| { vec.push(Box::new(permissions::ChannelGroupPermission { name:, bits: el.bits, })) }); self.user_ids.iter().for_each(|el| { vec.push(Box::new(permissions::UserIdPermission { id:, bits: el.bits, })) }); vec } } /// World state for PAM. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct PAMState { pub revoke_token_result: Result, pub grant_token_result: Result, pub resource_type: PAMCurrentResourceType, pub resource_permissions: PAMPermissions, pub pattern_permissions: PAMPermissions, pub authorized_uuid: Option, pub resource_name: Option, pub access_token: Option, pub ttl: Option, } impl Default for PAMState { fn default() -> Self { Self { revoke_token_result: Err(PubNubError::Transport { details: "This is default value".into(), response: None, }), grant_token_result: Err(PubNubError::Transport { details: "This is default value".into(), response: None, }), resource_type: PAMCurrentResourceType::default(), resource_permissions: PAMPermissions::default(), pattern_permissions: PAMPermissions::default(), authorized_uuid: None, resource_name: None, access_token: None, ttl: None, } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CryptoModuleState { pub crypto_identifiers: Vec, pub legacy: Option, pub file_content: Vec, pub cipher_key: Option, pub use_random_iv: bool, pub encryption_result: Option, PubNubError>>, pub decryption_result: Option, PubNubError>>, } impl Default for CryptoModuleState { fn default() -> Self { Self { crypto_identifiers: vec![], legacy: None, file_content: vec![], cipher_key: None, use_random_iv: true, encryption_result: None, decryption_result: None, } } } #[derive(Debug, World)] pub struct PubNubWorld { pub pubnub: Option, pub scenario: Option, pub keyset: pubnub::Keyset, pub publish_result: Result, pub subscription: Option, DeserializerSerde>>, pub subscriptions: Option< HashMap, DeserializerSerde>>, >, pub retry_policy: Option, pub heartbeat_value: Option, pub heartbeat_interval: Option, pub suppress_leave_events: bool, pub pam_state: PAMState, pub crypto_state: CryptoModuleState, pub api_error: Option, pub is_succeed: bool, } impl Default for PubNubWorld { fn default() -> Self { PubNubWorld { pubnub: None, scenario: None, keyset: Keyset:: { subscribe_key: "demo".to_owned(), publish_key: Some("demo".to_string()), secret_key: Some("demo".to_string()), }, publish_result: Err(PubNubError::Transport { details: "This is default value".into(), response: None, }), subscription: None, subscriptions: None, is_succeed: false, pam_state: PAMState::default(), crypto_state: CryptoModuleState::default(), api_error: None, retry_policy: None, heartbeat_value: None, heartbeat_interval: None, suppress_leave_events: false, } } } impl PubNubWorld { pub async fn reset(&mut self) { self.retry_policy = None; if let Some(pubnub) = self.pubnub.as_ref() { log::debug!("Terminate PubNub instance"); pubnub.terminate(); tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_secs(1)).await; } self.subscription = None; self.pubnub = None; } pub fn get_pubnub(&self, keyset: Keyset) -> PubNubClient { let transport = { let mut transport = TransportReqwest::default(); transport.hostname = "http://localhost:8090".into(); transport }; let mut builder = PubNubClientBuilder::with_transport(transport) .with_keyset(keyset) .with_user_id("test") .with_suppress_leave_events(self.suppress_leave_events); if let Some(retry_policy) = &self.retry_policy { builder = builder.with_retry_configuration(retry_policy.clone()); } if let Some(heartbeat_value) = &self.heartbeat_value { builder = builder.with_heartbeat_value(*heartbeat_value); } if let Some(heartbeat_interval) = &self.heartbeat_interval { builder = builder.with_heartbeat_interval(*heartbeat_interval); } let instance =; instance } } #[given("the demo keyset")] #[given("the demo keyset with event engine enabled")] #[given("the demo keyset with Presence EE enabled")] fn set_keyset(world: &mut PubNubWorld) { world.keyset = Keyset { subscribe_key: "demo".into(), publish_key: Some("demo".into()), secret_key: None, } } #[given(regex = r"^a (.*) reconnection policy with ([0-9]+) retries")] fn set_with_retries(world: &mut PubNubWorld, retry_type: String, max_retry: u8) { if retry_type.eq("linear") { world.retry_policy = Some(RequestRetryConfiguration::Linear { max_retry, delay: 0, excluded_endpoints: None, }) } } #[given( regex = r"^heartbeatInterval set to '([0-9]+)', timeout set to '([0-9]+)' and suppressLeaveEvents set to '(true|false)'" )] fn set_presence_options( world: &mut PubNubWorld, interval: u64, timeout: u64, suppress_leave: bool, ) { world.heartbeat_interval = Some(interval); world.heartbeat_value = Some(timeout); world.suppress_leave_events = suppress_leave; } #[given(regex = r"^I have a keyset with access manager enabled(.*)?")] fn i_have_keyset_with_access_manager_enabled(world: &mut PubNubWorld, info: String) { world.keyset = Keyset { subscribe_key: "demo".into(), publish_key: Some("demo".into()), secret_key: if info.contains("without") { None } else { Some("demo".into()) }, } } #[then("I receive an error response")] fn i_receive_error_response(world: &mut PubNubWorld) { assert!(!world.is_succeed) } #[then("the result is successful")] fn i_receive_success_response(world: &mut PubNubWorld) { assert!(world.is_succeed) } #[then("an error is returned")] fn an_error_is_returned(world: &mut PubNubWorld) { assert!(world.api_error.is_some(), "Expected to receive API error"); } #[then("an auth error is returned")] fn an_auth_error_is_returned(world: &mut PubNubWorld) { assert!(world.api_error.is_some(), "Expected to receive API error"); if let Some(PubNubError::API { status, service, .. }) = &world.api_error { assert_eq!(status, &403); if let Some(service) = service { assert_eq!(service, "Access Manager"); } } else { assert!(world.api_error.is_some(), "Unexpected to receive API error"); } } #[then(regex = r"^the error status code is (\d+)$")] #[given(regex = r"^the error status code is (\d+)$")] fn has_specific_error_code(world: &mut PubNubWorld, expected_status_code: u16) { if let Some(PubNubError::API { status, .. }) = world.api_error.clone() { assert_eq!(status, expected_status_code); } else { panic!("API error is missing"); } } #[then(regex = r"^the error message is '(.*)'$")] #[given(regex = r"^the error message is '(.*)'$")] #[given(regex = r"^the auth error message is '(.*)'$")] fn contains_specific_error_message(world: &mut PubNubWorld, expected_message: String) { if let PubNubError::API { message, .. } = world.api_error.clone().unwrap() { assert!( message.contains(expected_message.as_str()), "Expected '{expected_message}', but got '{message}'" ); } else { panic!("API error is missing"); } } #[then(regex = r"^the error service is '(.*)'$")] #[given(regex = r"^the error service is '(.*)'$")] fn has_specific_service(world: &mut PubNubWorld, expected_service: String) { if let PubNubError::API { service, .. } = world.api_error.clone().unwrap() { if let Some(service) = service { assert!(service.contains(expected_service.as_str())); } else { panic!("Service information is missing"); } } else { panic!("API error is missing"); } } #[then(regex = r"^the error source is '(.*)'$")] #[given(regex = r"^the error source is '(.*)'$")] fn has_specific_source(_world: &mut PubNubWorld) { // noop } #[then("the error detail message is not empty")] #[given("the error detail message is not empty")] fn message_not_empty(world: &mut PubNubWorld) { if let PubNubError::API { message, .. } = world.api_error.clone().unwrap() { assert_ne!(message.len(), 0, "Error message shouldn't be empty."); } else { panic!("API error is missing"); } } #[then(regex = r"^the error detail message is '(.*)'$")] #[given(regex = r"^the error detail message is '(.*)'$")] fn has_error_information(world: &mut PubNubWorld, expected_information: String) { if let PubNubError::API { message, .. } = world.api_error.clone().unwrap() { assert!(message.contains(expected_information.as_str())); } else { panic!("API error is missing"); } } #[then(regex = r"^the error detail location is '(.*)'$")] #[given(regex = r"^the error detail location is '(.*)'$")] fn has_error_location_information(world: &mut PubNubWorld, expected_location: String) { if let PubNubError::API { message, .. } = world.api_error.clone().unwrap() { assert!(message.contains(format!("name: '{expected_location}'").as_str())); } else { panic!("API error is missing"); } } #[then(regex = r"^the error detail location type is '(.*)'$")] #[given(regex = r"^the error detail location type is '(.*)'$")] fn has_error_location_type_information(world: &mut PubNubWorld, expected_location_type: String) { if let PubNubError::API { message, .. } = world.api_error.clone().unwrap() { assert!(message.contains(format!("location: '{expected_location_type}'").as_str())); } else { panic!("API error is missing"); } }