use std::{collections::HashMap, path::PathBuf}; use anyhow::Result; use chrono::{Local, TimeZone}; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use rstest::rstest; use pueue::client::query::{apply_query, Rule}; use pueue_lib::state::PUEUE_DEFAULT_GROUP; use pueue_lib::task::{Task, TaskResult, TaskStatus}; /// A small helper function to reduce a bit of boilerplate. pub fn build_task() -> Task { Task::new( "sleep 60".to_owned(), PathBuf::from("/tmp"), HashMap::new(), PUEUE_DEFAULT_GROUP.to_owned(), TaskStatus::Queued, Vec::new(), 0, None, ) } /// Build a list of some pre-build tasks that are used to test. pub fn test_tasks() -> Vec { let mut tasks = Vec::new(); // Failed task let mut failed = build_task(); = 0; failed.status = TaskStatus::Done(TaskResult::Failed(255)); failed.start = Some(Local.with_ymd_and_hms(2022, 1, 10, 10, 0, 0).unwrap()); failed.end = Some(Local.with_ymd_and_hms(2022, 1, 10, 10, 5, 0).unwrap()); failed.label = Some("label-10-0".to_string()); tasks.insert(, failed); // Successful task let mut successful = build_task(); = 1; successful.status = TaskStatus::Done(TaskResult::Success); successful.start = Some(Local.with_ymd_and_hms(2022, 1, 8, 10, 0, 0).unwrap()); successful.end = Some(Local.with_ymd_and_hms(2022, 1, 8, 10, 5, 0).unwrap()); successful.label = Some("label-10-1".to_string()); tasks.insert(, successful); // Stashed task let mut stashed = build_task(); stashed.status = TaskStatus::Stashed { enqueue_at: None }; = 2; stashed.label = Some("label-10-2".to_string()); tasks.insert(, stashed); // Scheduled task let mut scheduled = build_task(); scheduled.status = TaskStatus::Stashed { enqueue_at: Some(Local.with_ymd_and_hms(2022, 1, 10, 11, 0, 0).unwrap()), }; = 3; = "testgroup".to_string(); tasks.insert(, scheduled); // Running task let mut running = build_task(); running.status = TaskStatus::Running; = 4; running.start = Some(Local.with_ymd_and_hms(2022, 1, 2, 12, 0, 0).unwrap()); tasks.insert(, running); // Add two queued tasks let mut queued = build_task(); = 5; tasks.insert(, queued.clone()); // Task 6 depends on task 5 = 6; queued.dependencies.push(5); tasks.insert(, queued); tasks } fn test_tasks_with_query(query: &str, group: &Option) -> Result> { let mut tasks = test_tasks(); let query_result = apply_query(query, group)?; tasks = query_result.apply_filters(tasks); tasks = query_result.order_tasks(tasks); tasks = query_result.limit_tasks(tasks); Ok(tasks) } /// Select only specific columns for printing #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] async fn column_selection() -> Result<()> { let result = apply_query("columns=id,status,command", &None)?; assert_eq!( result.selected_columns, [Rule::column_id, Rule::column_status, Rule::column_command] ); Ok(()) } /// Select the first few entries of the list #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] async fn limit_first() -> Result<()> { let tasks = test_tasks_with_query("first 4", &None)?; assert!(tasks.len() == 4); assert_eq!(tasks[0].id, 0); assert_eq!(tasks[3].id, 3); Ok(()) } /// Select the last few entries of the list #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] async fn limit_last() -> Result<()> { let tasks = test_tasks_with_query("last 4", &None)?; assert!(tasks.len() == 4); assert_eq!(tasks[0].id, 3); assert_eq!(tasks[3].id, 6); Ok(()) } /// Order the test state by task status. #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] async fn order_by_status() -> Result<()> { let tasks = test_tasks_with_query("order_by status", &None)?; let expected = vec![ TaskStatus::Stashed { enqueue_at: None }, TaskStatus::Stashed { enqueue_at: Some(Local.with_ymd_and_hms(2022, 1, 10, 11, 0, 0).unwrap()), }, TaskStatus::Queued, TaskStatus::Queued, TaskStatus::Running, TaskStatus::Done(TaskResult::Failed(255)), TaskStatus::Done(TaskResult::Success), ]; let actual: Vec = tasks.iter().map(|task| task.status.clone()).collect(); assert_eq!(actual, expected); Ok(()) } /// Filter by start date #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] async fn filter_start() -> Result<()> { let tasks = test_tasks_with_query("start>2022-01-10 09:00:00", &None)?; assert!(tasks.len() == 1); assert_eq!(tasks[0].id, 0); Ok(()) } /// Filtering in combination with groups works as expected #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] async fn filter_with_group() -> Result<()> { let tasks = test_tasks_with_query("status=stashed", &Some("testgroup".to_string()))?; assert!(tasks.len() == 1); assert_eq!(tasks[0].id, 3); Ok(()) } /// Filter by end date with the current time as a time and a date. #[rstest] #[case("2022-01-10")] #[case("2022-01-10 09:00:00")] #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] async fn filter_end_with_time(#[case] format: &'static str) -> Result<()> { let tasks = test_tasks_with_query(&format!("end<{format}"), &None)?; assert!(tasks.len() == 1); assert_eq!(tasks[0].id, 1); Ok(()) } /// Filter tasks by status #[rstest] #[case(TaskStatus::Queued, 2)] #[case(TaskStatus::Running, 1)] #[case(TaskStatus::Paused, 0)] #[case(TaskStatus::Done(TaskResult::Success), 1)] #[case(TaskStatus::Done(TaskResult::Failed(255)), 1)] #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] async fn filter_status(#[case] status: TaskStatus, #[case] match_count: usize) -> Result<()> { // Get the correct query keyword for the given status. let status_filter = match status { TaskStatus::Queued => "queued", TaskStatus::Stashed { .. } => "stashed", TaskStatus::Running => "running", TaskStatus::Paused => "paused", TaskStatus::Done(TaskResult::Success) => "success", TaskStatus::Done(TaskResult::Failed(_)) => "failed", _ => anyhow::bail!("Got unexpected TaskStatus in filter_status"), }; let tasks = test_tasks_with_query(&format!("status={status_filter}"), &None)?; for task in tasks.iter() { let id =; assert_eq!( task.status, status, "Expected a different task status on task {id} based on filter {status:?}" ); } assert_eq!( tasks.len(), match_count, "Got a different amount of tasks than expected for the status filter {status:?}." ); Ok(()) } /// Filter tasks by label with the "contains" `%=` filter. #[rstest] #[case("%=", "label", 3)] #[case("%=", "label-10", 3)] #[case("%=", "label-10-1", 1)] #[case("=", "label-10-1", 1)] #[case("!=", "label-10-1", 6)] #[case("!=", "label-10", 7)] #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] async fn filter_label( #[case] operator: &'static str, #[case] label_filter: &'static str, #[case] match_count: usize, ) -> Result<()> { let tasks = test_tasks_with_query(&format!("label{operator}{label_filter}"), &None)?; for task in tasks.iter() { // Make sure the task either has no label or the label doesn't match the filter. if operator == "!=" { if let Some(label) = &task.label { assert_ne!( label, label_filter, "Label '{label}' matched exact filter '{label_filter}'" ); } continue; } let label = task.label.as_ref().expect("Expected task to have a label"); if operator == "%=" { // Make sure the label contained our filter. assert!( label.contains(label_filter), "Label '{label}' didn't contain filter '{label_filter}'" ); } else if operator == "=" { // Make sure the label exactly matches the filter. assert_eq!( label, &label_filter, "Label '{label}' didn't match exact filter '{label_filter}'" ); } } assert_eq!( tasks.len(), match_count, "Got a different amount of tasks than expected for the label filter: {label_filter}." ); Ok(()) }