# 0.1.7 * Improve Postgres DBAPI2.0 Compliance. * Add multiple simultaneous Postgres, Redis, PubSub, Graphql Configurations * Improve Graphql Resolution - Error if returning null in a non-null field. # 0.1.7 * Improve GraphQL return type compatibility and subscription URLs. * Update to pyo3 0.17 * Rename runserver to serve * Don't require Postgres for GraphQL * Add CORS, Compression support. * Add puff-watch # 0.1.6 * Add Puff CLI # 0.1.5 * Improve Startup coordination of services. # 0.1.4 * Improve Redis compatibility * Improve task queue responsiveness * Add bytes version of json serialization # 0.1.3 * Performance improvements # 0.1.2 * HTTP Client * Distributed TaskQueue * Rust based JSON serialization, using hyperjson # 0.1.1 * Async python dispatcher * Async python graphql handlers * ASGI handlers * uvloop # 0.1.0 Initial Release