use std::collections::HashMap; use axum::{extract, Json}; use puff_rs::prelude::*; use puff_rs::program::commands::ASGIServerCommand; use serde_json::Map; // Use pyo3 to generate Python compatible Rust classes. #[pyclass] struct MyPythonState; #[pymethods] impl MyPythonState { // Async Puff functions take a function to return the result with and offload the future onto Tokio. fn hello_from_rust_async(&self, return_func: PyObject, py_says: Text) { run_python_async(return_func, async move { // tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; debug!("Python says: {}", &py_says); Ok(42) }) } } fn main() -> ExitCode { let app = Router::new().get("/", root).post("/", root_post); let rc = RuntimeConfig::default() .add_python_path("./examples") .set_asyncio(true) .set_global_state_fn(|py| Ok(MyPythonState.into_py(py))); Program::new("my_first_app") .about("This is my first app") .runtime_config(rc) .command(ASGIServerCommand::new_with_router( "", app, )) .run() } // Basic handler that responds with a static string async fn root() -> Text { "Ok".to_text() } // Basic handler that transforms json sent to it. async fn root_post( extract::Json(payload): extract::Json>, ) -> Json { let mut ret_map = Map::new(); for (k, v) in payload { ret_map.insert( format!("Key was {}", k), serde_json::Value::String(format!("Value was {}", v.to_uppercase())), ); } Json(serde_json::Value::Object(ret_map)) }