# PVZ Interception Calculator in Rust [English](./README_en.md)| [简体中文](../README.md) A rewrite of the original Interception Calculator in rust with various issues fixed. ## How to use | Command | Usage | | -------- | ----------- | | de/pe/re | Set scene | | wave | View current ice times and cob time | | wave [ice times..] [cob time] | Set ice times and cob time (ice times can be none)
eg. `$ wave 1 400 800` -> use ice at 1, 400; use cob at 800 | | delay [hit col] (cob tail col)| Calc interceptable interval, earliest eat & iceable (need to provide cob tail col for roof scene)
eg. `$ delay 8.8` -> Calc hit col 8.8
`$ delay 3.5 4` -> Calc hit col 3.5 for cob tail col 4 | | delay [hit row] [hit col] (cob tail col)
> [garg rows] (garg x range) (u/i) | Calc specific gargs (may specify ice mode)
eg. `$ delay 1 8.8 > 2` -> Calc (1,8.8) cob for row 2 garg
`$ delay 1 8.8 > 1,2 700,800` -> Calc (1,8.8) cob for row [1,2] gargs with x 700~800
`$ delay 1 8.8 > 1,2 700,800 u` -> Same as above, but specify ice mode as uniced | | doom [doom row] [doom col]
(> [garg rows] (garg x range) (u/i)) | Calc doom for specific gargs (args after ">" are optional; may specify ice mode)
eg. `$ doom 3 8` -> Calc 3-8 doom
`$ doom 3 8 > 2,5 700,800` -> Calc 3-8 doom for row [2,5] gargs with x 700~800 | | hit (cob tail col) (delay) |Calc hit col that hits all gargs (may specify delay)
eg. `$ hit` -> Calc hit col that hits all gargs
`$ wave 300 $ hit 50` -> Calc hit col that hits all gargs at 350cs
`$ wave 300 $ hit -50` -> Calc hit col that hits all gargs at 250cs | | nohit (cob tail col) (delay) |Calc hit col that doesn't hit any garg (may specify delay) | | max [hit row] [hit col range]
> [garg rows] (garg x range) (u/i) | Find hit col that harmlessly intercepts with max delay (may specify ice mode)
eg. `$ max 1 7,7.5 > 1,2` -> For hit row 1 and hit col 7~7.5, find hit col that harmlessly intercepts gargs with max delay | | imp [imp x] | Calc x range of garg who can throw imp of this x | | ?/help | Show this help | | about | About Interception Calculator |