## PWR Chain Rust SDK PWR Rust is a Rust library for interacting with the PWR network. It provides an easy interface for wallet management and sending transactions on PWR.
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## Installation ```bash # latest official release (main branch) cargo add pwr-rs ``` ## 🌐 Documentation How to [Guides](https://pwrlabs.io) 🔜 & [API](https://pwrlabs.io) 💻 Play with [Code Examples](https://github.com/keep-pwr-strong/pwr-examples/) 🎮 ## 💫 Getting Started **Import the library:** ```rust use pwr_rs::{ Wallet, RPC, }; ``` **Set your RPC node:** ```rust let rpc = RPC::new("https://pwrrpc.pwrlabs.io/").await.unwrap(); ``` **Generate a new wallet:** ```rust let private_key = "0xac0974bec...f80"; let wallet = Wallet::from_hex(&private_key).unwrap(); ``` **Get wallet address:** ```rust let address = wallet.get_address(); ``` **Get wallet balance:** ```rust let balance = wallet.get_balance().await; ``` **Transfer PWR tokens:** ```rust wallet.transfer_pwr("recipientAddress".to_string(), 1000).await; ``` Sending a transcation to the PWR Chain returns a Response object, which specified if the transaction was a success, and returns relevant data. If the transaction was a success, you can retrieive the transaction hash, if it failed, you can fetch the error. ```rust use pwr_rs::Wallet; async fn main() { let private_key = "0xac0974bec...f80"; let wallet = Wallet::from_hex(&private_key).unwrap(); let trx_hash = wallet.transfer_pwr("recipientAddress".to_string(), 1000).await; println!("Transaction Hash: {trx_hash}"); } ``` **Send data to a VM:** ```rust use pwr_rs::Wallet; async fn main() { let private_key = "0xac0974bec...f80"; let wallet = Wallet::from_hex(&private_key).unwrap(); let data = vec!["Hello World!"]; let data_as_bytes: Vec = data.into_iter().flat_map(|s| s.as_bytes().to_vec()).collect(); let tx_hash = wallet.send_vm_data(123, data_as_bytes).await; println!("Transaction Hash: {tx_hash}"); } ``` ### Other Static Calls **Get RPC Node Url:** Returns currently set RPC node URL. ```rust let url = rpc.get_node_url(); ``` **Get Fee Per Byte: ** Gets the latest fee-per-byte rate. ```rust let fee = rpc.get_fee_per_byte(); ``` **Get Balance Of Address:** Gets the balance of a specific address. ```rust let balance = rpc.get_balance_of_address("0x...").await.unwrap(); ``` **Get Nonce Of Address:** Gets the nonce/transaction count of a specific address. ```rust let nonce = rpc.get_nonce_of_address("0x...").await.unwrap(); ``` ## ✏️ Contributing If you consider to contribute to this project please read [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/pwrlabs/pwrrs/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) first. You can also join our dedicated channel for [pwr-rs](https://discord.com/channels/1141787507189624992/1180224756033790014) on the [PWR Chain Discord](https://discord.com/invite/YASmBk9EME) ## 📜 License Copyright (c) 2024 PWR Labs Licensed under the [MIT license](https://github.com/pwrlabs/pwrrs/blob/main/LICENSE).