% define roll, pitch and yaw variables syms roll pitch yaw 'real' % Define yransformaton matrices for rotations about the X,Y and Z body axes Xrot = [1 0 0 ; 0 cos(roll) sin(roll) ; 0 -sin(roll) cos(roll)]; Yrot = [cos(pitch) 0 -sin(pitch) ; 0 1 0 ; sin(pitch) 0 cos(pitch)]; Zrot = [cos(yaw) sin(yaw) 0 ; -sin(yaw) cos(yaw) 0 ; 0 0 1]; % calculate the tranformation matrix from body to navigation frame resulting from % a rotation in yaw, roll, pitch order Tbn_312 = transpose(Yrot*Xrot*Zrot) % convert to c code and save ccode(Tbn_312,'file','Tbn_312.c'); fix_c_code('Tbn_312.c'); % define the quaternion elements syms q0 q1 q2 q3 'real' % calculate the tranformation matrix from body to navigation frame as a % function of the quaternions Tbn_quat = Quat2Tbn([q0;q1;q2;q3]); % collect the y,x terms required for calculation of the yaw angle yaw_input_312 = [-Tbn_quat(1,2);Tbn_quat(2,2)]; % convert to c code and save ccode(yaw_input_312,'file','yaw_input_312.c'); fix_c_code('yaw_input_312.c');