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} const float v_n = velI(0); const float v_e = velI(1); // estimate heading from ground velocity const float heading_est = atan2f(v_e, v_n); // initilaise wind states assuming zero side slip and horizontal flight _state(w_n) = velI(w_n) - tas_meas * cosf(heading_est); _state(w_e) = velI(w_e) - tas_meas * sinf(heading_est); _state(tas) = 1.0f; // compute jacobian of states wrt north/each earth velocity states and true airspeed measurement float L0 = v_e * v_e; float L1 = v_n * v_n; float L2 = L0 + L1; float L3 = tas_meas / (L2 * sqrtf(L2)); float L4 = L3 * v_e * v_n + 1.0f; float L5 = 1.0f / sqrtf(L2); float L6 = -L5 * tas_meas; matrix::Matrix3f L; L.setZero(); L(0, 0) = L4; L(0, 1) = L0 * L3 + L6; L(1, 0) = L1 * L3 + L6; L(1, 1) = L4; L(2, 2) = 1.0f; // get an estimate of the state covariance matrix given the estimated variance of ground velocity // and measured airspeed _P.setZero(); _P(w_n, w_n) = velIvar(0); _P(w_e, w_e) = velIvar(1); _P(tas, tas) = 0.0001f; _P = L * _P * L.transpose(); // reset the timestamp for measurement rejection _time_rejected_tas = 0; _time_rejected_beta = 0; _wind_estimator_reset = true; return true; } void WindEstimator::update(uint64_t time_now) { if (!_initialised) { return; } // set reset state to false (is set to true when initialise fuction is called later) _wind_estimator_reset = false; // run covariance prediction at 1Hz if (time_now - _time_last_update < 1000 * 1000 || _time_last_update == 0) { if (_time_last_update == 0) { _time_last_update = time_now; } return; } float dt = (float)(time_now - _time_last_update) * 1e-6f; _time_last_update = time_now; float q_w = _wind_p_var; float q_k_tas = _tas_scale_p_var; float SPP0 = dt * dt; float SPP1 = SPP0 * q_w; float SPP2 = SPP1 + _P(0, 1); matrix::Matrix3f P_next; P_next(0, 0) = SPP1 + _P(0, 0); P_next(0, 1) = SPP2; P_next(0, 2) = _P(0, 2); P_next(1, 0) = SPP2; P_next(1, 1) = SPP1 + _P(1, 1); P_next(1, 2) = _P(1, 2); P_next(2, 0) = _P(0, 2); P_next(2, 1) = _P(1, 2); P_next(2, 2) = SPP0 * q_k_tas + _P(2, 2); _P = P_next; } void WindEstimator::fuse_airspeed(uint64_t time_now, const float true_airspeed, const matrix::Vector3f &velI, const matrix::Vector2f &velIvar) { matrix::Vector2f velIvar_constrained = { math::max(0.01f, velIvar(0)), math::max(0.01f, velIvar(1)) }; if (!_initialised) { // try to initialise _initialised = initialise(velI, velIvar_constrained, true_airspeed); return; } // don't fuse faster than 10Hz if (time_now - _time_last_airspeed_fuse < 100 * 1000) { return; } _time_last_airspeed_fuse = time_now; // assign helper variables const float v_n = velI(0); const float v_e = velI(1); const float v_d = velI(2); const float k_tas = _state(tas); // compute kalman gain K const float HH0 = sqrtf(v_d * v_d + (v_e - w_e) * (v_e - w_e) + (v_n - w_n) * (v_n - w_n)); const float HH1 = k_tas / HH0; matrix::Matrix H_tas; H_tas(0, 0) = HH1 * (-v_n + w_n); H_tas(0, 1) = HH1 * (-v_e + w_e); H_tas(0, 2) = HH0; matrix::Matrix K = _P * H_tas.transpose(); const matrix::Matrix S = H_tas * _P * H_tas.transpose() + _tas_var; K /= S(0,0); // compute innovation const float airspeed_pred = _state(tas) * sqrtf((v_n - _state(w_n)) * (v_n - _state(w_n)) + (v_e - _state(w_e)) * (v_e - _state(w_e)) + v_d * v_d); _tas_innov = true_airspeed - airspeed_pred; // innovation variance _tas_innov_var = S(0,0); bool reinit_filter = false; bool meas_is_rejected = false; meas_is_rejected = check_if_meas_is_rejected(time_now, _tas_innov, _tas_innov_var, _tas_gate, _time_rejected_tas, reinit_filter); reinit_filter |= _tas_innov_var < 0.0f; if (meas_is_rejected || reinit_filter) { if (reinit_filter) { _initialised = initialise(velI, matrix::Vector2f(0.1f, 0.1f), true_airspeed); } // we either did a filter reset or the current measurement was rejected so do not fuse return; } // apply correction to state _state(w_n) += _tas_innov * K(0, 0); _state(w_e) += _tas_innov * K(1, 0); _state(tas) += _tas_innov * K(2, 0); // update covariance matrix _P = _P - K * H_tas * _P; run_sanity_checks(); } void WindEstimator::fuse_beta(uint64_t time_now, const matrix::Vector3f &velI, const matrix::Quatf &q_att) { if (!_initialised) { _initialised = initialise(velI, matrix::Vector2f(0.1f, 0.1f), velI.length()); return; } // don't fuse faster than 10Hz if (time_now - _time_last_beta_fuse < 100 * 1000) { return; } _time_last_beta_fuse = time_now; const float v_n = velI(0); const float v_e = velI(1); const float v_d = velI(2); // compute sideslip observation vector float HB0 = 2.0f * q_att(0); float HB1 = HB0 * q_att(3); float HB2 = 2.0f * q_att(1); float HB3 = HB2 * q_att(2); float HB4 = v_e - w_e; float HB5 = HB1 + HB3; float HB6 = v_n - w_n; float HB7 = q_att(0) * q_att(0); float HB8 = q_att(3) * q_att(3); float HB9 = HB7 - HB8; float HB10 = q_att(1) * q_att(1); float HB11 = q_att(2) * q_att(2); float HB12 = HB10 - HB11; float HB13 = HB12 + HB9; float HB14 = HB13 * HB6 + HB4 * HB5 + v_d * (-HB0 * q_att(2) + HB2 * q_att(3)); float HB15 = 1.0f / HB14; float HB16 = (HB4 * (-HB10 + HB11 + HB9) + HB6 * (-HB1 + HB3) + v_d * (HB0 * q_att(1) + 2.0f * q_att(2) * q_att(3))) / (HB14 * HB14); matrix::Matrix H_beta; H_beta(0, 0) = HB13 * HB16 + HB15 * (HB1 - HB3); H_beta(0, 1) = HB15 * (HB12 - HB7 + HB8) + HB16 * HB5; H_beta(0, 2) = 0; // compute kalman gain matrix::Matrix K = _P * H_beta.transpose(); const matrix::Matrix S = H_beta * _P * H_beta.transpose() + _beta_var; K /= S(0,0); // compute predicted side slip angle matrix::Vector3f rel_wind(velI(0) - _state(w_n), velI(1) - _state(w_e), velI(2)); matrix::Dcmf R_body_to_earth(q_att); rel_wind = R_body_to_earth.transpose() * rel_wind; if (fabsf(rel_wind(0)) < 0.1f) { return; } // use small angle approximation, sin(x) = x for small x const float beta_pred = rel_wind(1) / rel_wind(0); _beta_innov = 0.0f - beta_pred; _beta_innov_var = S(0,0); bool reinit_filter = false; bool meas_is_rejected = false; meas_is_rejected = check_if_meas_is_rejected(time_now, _beta_innov, _beta_innov_var, _beta_gate, _time_rejected_beta, reinit_filter); reinit_filter |= _beta_innov_var < 0.0f; if (meas_is_rejected || reinit_filter) { if (reinit_filter) { _initialised = initialise(velI, matrix::Vector2f(0.1f, 0.1f), velI.length()); } // we either did a filter reset or the current measurement was rejected so do not fuse return; } // apply correction to state _state(w_n) += _beta_innov * K(0, 0); _state(w_e) += _beta_innov * K(1, 0); _state(tas) += _beta_innov * K(2, 0); // update covariance matrix _P = _P - K * H_beta * _P; run_sanity_checks(); } void WindEstimator::run_sanity_checks() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (_P(i, i) < 0.0f) { // ill-conditioned covariance matrix, reset filter _initialised = false; return; } // limit covariance diagonals if they grow too large if (i < 2) { _P(i, i) = _P(i, i) > 25.0f ? 25.0f : _P(i, i); } else if (i == 2) { _P(i, i) = _P(i, i) > 0.1f ? 0.1f : _P(i, i); } } if (!ISFINITE(_state(w_n)) || !ISFINITE(_state(w_e)) || !ISFINITE(_state(tas))) { _initialised = false; return; } // check if we should inhibit learning of airspeed scale factor and rather use a pre-set value. // airspeed scale factor errors arise from sensor installation which does not change and only needs // to be computed once for a perticular installation. if (_enforced_airspeed_scale < 0) { _state(tas) = math::max(0.0f, _state(tas)); } else { _state(tas) = _enforced_airspeed_scale; } // attain symmetry for (unsigned row = 0; row < 3; row++) { for (unsigned column = 0; column < row; column++) { float tmp = (_P(row, column) + _P(column, row)) / 2; _P(row, column) = tmp; _P(column, row) = tmp; } } } bool WindEstimator::check_if_meas_is_rejected(uint64_t time_now, float innov, float innov_var, uint8_t gate_size, uint64_t &time_meas_rejected, bool &reinit_filter) { if (innov * innov > gate_size * gate_size * innov_var) { time_meas_rejected = time_meas_rejected == 0 ? time_now : time_meas_rejected; } else { time_meas_rejected = 0; } reinit_filter = time_now - time_meas_rejected > 5 * 1000 * 1000 && time_meas_rejected != 0; return time_meas_rejected != 0; }