import math import random from math import frexp, copysign from sys import float_info # Audio def music_load(filename): return px8_audio.music_load(filename) def music_play(filename, loops=-1): px8_audio.music_play(filename, loops) def music_pause(): px8_audio.music_pause() def music_resume(): px8_audio.music_resume() def music_stop(): px8_audio.music_stop() def music_rewind(): px8_audio.music_rewind() def music_volume(volume): px8_audio.music_volume(volume) def sound_load(filename): return px8_audio.sound_load(filename) def sound_play(filename, loops=0, channel=-1): return px8_audio.sound_play(filename, loops, channel) def sound_pause(channel=-1): px8_audio.sound_pause(channel) def sound_resume(channel=-1): px8_audio.sound_resume(channel) def sound_stop(channel=-1): px8_audio.sound_stop(channel) def sound_volume(volume, channel=-1): px8_audio.sound_volume(volume, channel) def sound_isplaying(channel=-1): return px8_audio.sound_isplaying(channel) globals()["music_load"] = music_load globals()["music_play"] = music_play globals()["music_stop"] = music_stop globals()["music_pause"] = music_pause globals()["music_resume"] = music_resume globals()["music_rewind"] = music_rewind globals()["music_volume"] = music_volume globals()["sound_load"] = sound_load globals()["sound_play"] = sound_play globals()["sound_pause"] = sound_pause globals()["sound_resume"] = sound_resume globals()["sound_stop"] = sound_stop globals()["sound_volume"] = sound_volume globals()["sound_isplaying"] = sound_isplaying # Cart Data # Graphics def camera(x=-1, y=-1):, flr(y)) def circ(x, y, r, color=-1): px8_graphic.circ(math.floor(x), math.floor(y), math.floor(r), math.floor(color)) def circfill(x, y, r, color=-1): px8_graphic.circfill(math.floor(x), math.floor(y), math.floor(r), math.floor(color)) def clip(x=-1, y=-1, w=-1, h=-1): px8_graphic.clip(math.floor(x), math.floor(y), math.floor(w), math.floor(h)) def cls(): px8_graphic.cls() def color(col): px8_graphic.color(col) def ellipse(x, y, rx, ry, color=-1): px8_graphic.ellipse(math.floor(x), math.floor(y), math.floor(rx), math.floor(ry), math.floor(color)) def ellipsefill(x, y, rx, ry, color=-1): px8_graphic.ellipsefill(math.floor(x), math.floor(y), math.floor(rx), math.floor(ry), math.floor(color)) def fget(idx_sprite, flag=-1): if flag == -1: px8_graphic.fget_all(idx_sprite) return px8_graphic.fget(idx_sprite, flag) def font(name = "pico8"): px8_graphic.font(name) def fset(idx_sprite, flag, value=-1): if value == -1: px8_graphic.fset_all(flag) else: px8_graphic.fset(idx_sprite, flag, value) def line(x1, y1, x2, y2, color=-1): px8_graphic.line(math.floor(x1), math.floor(y1), math.floor(x2), math.floor(y2), math.floor(color)) def mode(width, height, aspect_ratio=None): if aspect_ratio is None: aspect_ratio = float(width) / float(height) px8_graphic.mode(width, height, aspect_ratio) def pal(c0 = -1, c1 = -1, p=0): px8_graphic.pal(math.floor(c0), math.floor(c1)) def palt(c = -1, t = False): px8_graphic.palt(math.floor(c), t) def pget(x, y): return px8_graphic.pget(math.floor(x), math.floor(y)) def pset(x, y, color): px8_graphic.pset(math.floor(x), math.floor(y), math.floor(color)) def px8_print(str, x=-1, y=-1, col=-1): return px8_graphic.print(str, x, y, col) def rect(x1, y1, x2, y2, color=-1): px8_graphic.rect(math.floor(x1), math.floor(y1), math.floor(x2), math.floor(y2), math.floor(color)) def rectfill(x1, y1, x2, y2, color=-1): px8_graphic.rectfill(math.floor(x1), math.floor(y1), math.floor(x2), math.floor(y2), math.floor(color)) def sget(x, y): return px8_graphic.sget(x, y) def spr(n, x, y, w=1, h=1, flip_x=False, flip_y=False): px8_graphic.spr(math.floor(n), math.floor(x), math.floor(y), math.floor(w), math.floor(h), flip_x, flip_y) def sset(x, y, c=-1): px8_graphic.sset(x, y, c) def sspr(sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw=-1, dh=-1, flip_x=False, flip_y=False): if dw == -1: dw = sw if dh == -1: dh = sh px8_graphic.sspr(sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh, flip_x, flip_y) def trigon(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, color): px8_graphic.trigon(math.floor(x1), math.floor(y1), math.floor(x2), math.floor(y2), math.floor(x3), math.floor(y3), color) def polygon(x, y, color): px8_graphic.polygon(x, y, color) globals()["camera"] = camera globals()["circ"] = circ globals()["circfill"] = circfill globals()["clip"] = clip globals()["cls"] = cls globals()["color"] = color globals()["ellipse"] = ellipse globals()["ellipsefill"] = ellipsefill globals()["fget"] = fget globals()["fset"] = fset globals()["line"] = line globals()["mode"] = mode globals()["pal"] = pal globals()["palt"] = palt globals()["pset"] = pset globals()["pget"] = pget globals()["px8_print"] = px8_print globals()["rect"] = rect globals()["rectfill"] = rectfill globals()["sget"] = sget globals()["spr"] = spr globals()["sset"] = sset globals()["sspr"] = sspr globals()["trigon"] = trigon globals()["polygon"] = polygon # Input def btn(x, p=0): if type(x) == int: return px8_input.btn(x, p) return px8_input.btn2(ord(x)) def btnp(x, p=0): if type(x) == int: return px8_input.btnp(x, p) return px8_input.btnp2(ord(x)) def mouse_x(): return px8_input.btn_mouse(0) def mouse_y(): return px8_input.btn_mouse(1) def mouse_state(): return px8_input.btn_mouse_state() def mouse_statep(): return px8_input.btn_mouse_statep() globals()["btn"] = btn globals()["btnp"] = btnp globals()["mouse_x"] = mouse_x globals()["mouse_y"] = mouse_y globals()["mouse_state"] = mouse_state globals()["mouse_statep"] = mouse_statep # Map def spr_map(cel_x, cel_y, sx, sy, cel_w, cel_h, layer=0): px8_map.spr_map(cel_x, cel_y, sx, sy, cel_w, cel_h, layer) def mget(x, y): return px8_map.mget(math.floor(x), math.floor(y)) def mset(x, y, v): px8_map.mset(math.floor(x), math.floor(y), math.floor(v)) globals()["spr_map"] = spr_map globals()["mget"] = mget globals()["mset"] = mset # Math def atan2(x, y): v = math.atan2(x,y) return (((v - math.pi) / (math.pi*2)) + 0.25) % 1.0 def cos(x): return math.cos((x or 0)*(math.pi*2)) def sin(x): return math.sin(-(x or 0)*(math.pi*2)) def flr(x): return math.floor(x) def rnd(x): return random.random() * x def srand(x): return random.seed(x) def mid(x,y,z): x = x or 0 y = y or 0 z = z or 0 return x > y and x or y > z and z or y def bxor(a,b): return int(a) ^ int(b) globals()["atan2"] = atan2 globals()["ceil"] = math.ceil globals()["cos"] = cos globals()["sin"] = sin globals()["flr"] = flr globals()["rnd"] = rnd globals()["sqrt"] = math.sqrt globals()["mid"] = mid globals()["bxor"] = bxor # Memory def memcpy(dest_addr, source_addr, len_buff): px8_mem.memcpy(dest_addr, source_addr, len_buff) globals()["memcpy"] = memcpy # Palette def set_palette_color(col, r, g, b): px8_palette.set_palette_color(col, r, g, b) def reset_palette(): px8_palette.reset_palette() def switch_palette(name): px8_palette.switch_palette(name) globals()["set_palette_color"] = set_palette_color globals()["reset_palette"] = reset_palette globals()["switch_palette"] = switch_palette # Noise def noise(x, y, z): return px8_noise.noise(x, y, z) def noise_set_seed(seed): return px8_noise.noise_set_seed(seed) globals()["noise"] = noise globals()["noise_set_seed"] = noise_set_seed # Others def px8_time(): return px8_sys.time() def px8_time_sec(): return px8_sys.time_sec() def show_mouse(value=True): px8_sys.show_mouse(value) globals()["px8_time"] = px8_time globals()["px8_time_sec"] = px8_time_sec globals()["show_mouse"] = show_mouse ########################### External functions ########################### def img_to_rgb(data): from PIL import Image res = [] im = pix = im.load() width, height = im.size for x in range(width): for y in range(height): v = pix[x, y][:-1] res.append(v[0]) res.append(v[1]) res.append(v[2]) return res, width, height