from __future__ import annotations from pathlib import Path from typing import Callable, Literal, Any, Protocol, runtime_checkable import numpy as np from numpy.typing import ArrayLike import uproot from iminuit import Minuit from scipy.optimize import OptimizeResult import scipy.optimize as opt from uproot.behaviors.TBranch import HasBranches from ._rustitude import ( amplitude, dataset, four_momentum, gluex, manager, __version__, ) from .amplitude import ( Scalar_64, Scalar_32, CScalar_64, CScalar_32, PCScalar_64, PCScalar_32, PiecewiseM_64, PiecewiseM_32, Parameter_64, Parameter_32, Model_64, Model_32, Amplitude_64, Amplitude_32, Real_64, Real_32, Imag_64, Imag_32, Product_64, Product_32, Sum_64, Sum_32, NormSqr_64, NormSqr_32, Node_64, Node_32, ) from .dataset import Event_64, Event_32, Dataset_64, Dataset_32 from .manager import ( ExtendedLogLikelihood_64, ExtendedLogLikelihood_32, Manager_64, Manager_32, NelderMead_64, NelderMead_32, ) from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod Scalar = Scalar_64 CScalar = CScalar_64 PCScalar = PCScalar_64 PiecewiseM = PiecewiseM_64 Parameter = Parameter_64 Model = Model_64 Amplitude = Amplitude_64 Real = Real_64 Imag = Imag_64 Product = Product_64 Sum = Sum_64 NormSqr = NormSqr_64 Node = Node_64 Event = Event_64 Dataset = Dataset_64 ExtendedLogLikelihood = ExtendedLogLikelihood_64 Manager = Manager_64 NelderMead = NelderMead_64 __version__: str = __version__ __all__ = [ '__version__', 'dataset', 'manager', 'amplitude', 'four_momentum', 'Event', 'Event_64', 'Event_32', 'Dataset', 'Dataset_64', 'Dataset_32', 'Manager', 'Manager_64', 'Manager_32', 'ExtendedLogLikelihood', 'ExtendedLogLikelihood_64', 'ExtendedLogLikelihood_32', 'Amplitude', 'Amplitude_64', 'Amplitude_32', 'Real', 'Real_64', 'Real_32', 'Imag', 'Imag_64', 'Imag_32', 'Product', 'Product_64', 'Product_32', 'Sum', 'Sum_64', 'Sum_32', 'NormSqr', 'NormSqr_64', 'NormSqr_32', 'Scalar', 'Scalar_64', 'Scalar_32', 'CScalar', 'CScalar_64', 'CScalar_32', 'PCScalar', 'PCScalar_64', 'PCScalar_32', 'PiecewiseM', 'PiecewiseM_64', 'PiecewiseM_32', 'Parameter', 'Parameter_64', 'Parameter_32', 'Model', 'Model_64', 'Model_32', 'NelderMead', 'NelderMead_64', 'NelderMead_32', 'Node', 'Node_64', 'Node_32', 'PyNode', 'PyNode_64', 'PyNode_32', 'gluex', 'open', 'minimizer', ] def __dir__(): return __all__ def open( file_name: str | Path, tree_name: str | None = None, *, pol_in_beam: bool = False, eps: tuple[float, float, float] | None = None, f32: bool = False, ) -> Dataset_64 | Dataset_32: # noqa: A001 filepath = (file_name if isinstance(file_name, Path) else Path(file_name)).resolve() tfile = ttree = tfile[tree_name] if tree_name else tfile.get(tfile.keys()[0]) if not isinstance(ttree, HasBranches): raise Exception('TTree has no branches!') requested_branches = [ 'E_Beam', 'Px_Beam', 'Py_Beam', 'Pz_Beam', 'Weight', 'EPS', 'E_FinalState', 'Px_FinalState', 'Py_FinalState', 'Pz_FinalState', ] available_branches = [b for b in requested_branches if b in ttree] tree_arrays = ttree.arrays(available_branches, library='np') if pol_in_beam: eps_x = tree_arrays['Px_Beam'] eps_y = tree_arrays['Py_Beam'] eps_z = tree_arrays['Pz_Beam'] tree_arrays['Px_Beam'] = np.zeros_like(tree_arrays['Px_Beam']) tree_arrays['Py_Beam'] = np.zeros_like(tree_arrays['Py_Beam']) tree_arrays['Pz_Beam'] = tree_arrays['E_Beam'] tree_arrays['EPS'] = np.array([ np.array([ex, ey, ez]) for ex, ey, ez in zip(eps_x, eps_y, eps_z) ]) elif eps is not None: tree_arrays['EPS'] = np.array([np.array(eps) for _ in range(len(tree_arrays['Weight']))]) if f32: return Dataset_32.from_dict(tree_arrays) else: return Dataset_64.from_dict(tree_arrays) class PyNode_64(metaclass=ABCMeta): @abstractmethod def precalculate(self, dataset: Dataset_64) -> None: pass @abstractmethod def calculate(self, parameters: list[float], event: Event_64) -> complex: pass @abstractmethod def parameters(self) -> list[str]: pass PyNode = PyNode_64 class PyNode_32(metaclass=ABCMeta): @abstractmethod def precalculate(self, dataset: Dataset_32) -> None: pass @abstractmethod def calculate(self, parameters: list[float], event: Event_32) -> complex: pass @abstractmethod def parameters(self) -> list[str]: pass ScipyOptMethods = Literal[ 'py-Nelder-Mead', 'py-Powell', 'py-CG', 'py-BFGS', 'py-Newton-CG', 'py-L-BFGS-B', 'py-TNC', 'py-COBYLA', 'py-COBYQA', 'py-SLSQP', 'py-trust-constr', 'py-dogleg', 'py-trust-ncg', 'py-trust-exact', 'py-trust-krylov', ] RustMethods = Literal['Nelder-Mead', 'Adaptive Nelder-Mead'] type RustMinimizer = NelderMead_64 | NelderMead_32 class ScipyCallable(Protocol): def __call__(self, x: ArrayLike, *args: Any) -> float: ... @runtime_checkable class ScipyMinCallable(Protocol): def __call__( self, fun: ScipyCallable, x0: ArrayLike, args: tuple[Any], **kwargs_and_options: Any ) -> OptimizeResult: ... def minimizer( ell: ExtendedLogLikelihood_64 | ExtendedLogLikelihood_32, method: Literal[Literal['Minuit'], RustMethods, ScipyOptMethods] | ScipyMinCallable | None = None, *args: Any, indices_data: list[int] | None = None, indices_mc: list[int] | None = None, parallel: bool = True, minimizer_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> Minuit | Callable[[], OptimizeResult] | RustMinimizer: bounds = [] unbounded = True for bound in ell.bounds: lb = None if bound[0] == -np.inf else bound[0] ub = None if bound[1] == np.inf else bound[1] if lb or ub: unbounded = False bounds.append((lb, ub)) if isinstance(method, str) and method != 'Minuit' and not method.startswith('py-'): if method == 'Nelder-Mead': if isinstance(ell, ExtendedLogLikelihood_64): return NelderMead_64(ell, **minimizer_kwargs) else: return NelderMead_32(ell, **minimizer_kwargs) elif method == 'Adaptive Nelder-Mead': if isinstance(ell, ExtendedLogLikelihood_64): return NelderMead_64.adaptive(ell, **minimizer_kwargs) else: return NelderMead_32.adaptive(ell, **minimizer_kwargs) else: raise Exception(f'Unknown fit method: {method}') else: if isinstance(ell, ExtendedLogLikelihood_32): raise Exception( 'The 32-bit ExtendedLogLikelihood is incompatible with Python-based fitting methods and Minuit' ) if ( isinstance(method, ScipyMinCallable) or method is None or (isinstance(method, str) and method.startswith('py-')) ): if minimizer_kwargs is None: minimizer_kwargs = {} if unbounded: bounds = None scipy_method = None if isinstance(method, str) and method.startswith('py-'): scipy_method = method.replace('py-', '') def fcn_scipy(x: ArrayLike, *_args: Any): return ell(x, indices_data=indices_data, indices_mc=indices_mc, parallel=parallel) def fit() -> OptimizeResult: if scipy_method is None: return opt.minimize( fcn_scipy, ell.initial, args, method, bounds=bounds, **minimizer_kwargs ) else: return opt.minimize( fcn_scipy, ell.initial, args, scipy_method, bounds=bounds, **minimizer_kwargs, ) return fit else: def fcn_minuit(*args: float): # error def is correct because of implicit multiplication by 2 in ELL return ell( list(args), indices_data=indices_data, indices_mc=indices_mc, parallel=parallel, ) minuit_par_names = [f'{p.amplitude} - {}' for p in ell.parameters if] m = Minuit(fcn_minuit, *ell.initial, name=minuit_par_names) for par_name, bound in zip(minuit_par_names, bounds): m.limits[par_name] = bound return m