use tokio_stream::StreamExt; const COUNT_IMAGES_TO_GRAB: u32 = 100; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { // Before using any pylon methods, the pylon runtime must be initialized. let pylon = pylon_cxx::Pylon::new(); // Create an instant camera object with the camera device found first. let mut camera = pylon_cxx::TlFactory::instance(&pylon).create_first_device()?; // Print the model name of the camera. println!("Using device {:?}", camera.device_info().model_name()?);; // camera.enum_node("PixelFormat")?.set_value("RGB8")?; // Start the grabbing of COUNT_IMAGES_TO_GRAB images. // The camera device is parameterized with a default configuration which // sets up free-running continuous acquisition. camera.start_grabbing(&pylon_cxx::GrabOptions::default().count(COUNT_IMAGES_TO_GRAB))?; match camera.node_map()?.enum_node("PixelFormat") { Ok(node) => println!( "pixel format: {}", node.value().unwrap_or("could not read value".to_string()) ), Err(e) => eprintln!("Ignoring error getting PixelFormat node: {}", e), }; // The stream automatically stops when COUNT_IMAGES_TO_GRAB images have been grabbed . // // Note that getting the next image from the async stream, is awaited. Which means it's // blocked here, but while waiting other async parts of your application may do useful // work. That's the purpose of async-await. while let Some(grab_result) = { // Image grabbed successfully? if grab_result.grab_succeeded()? { // Access the image data. println!("SizeX: {}", grab_result.width()?); println!("SizeY: {}", grab_result.height()?); let image_buffer = grab_result.buffer()?; println!("Value of first pixel: {}\n", image_buffer[0]); } else { println!( "Error: {} {}", grab_result.error_code()?, grab_result.error_description()? ); } } Ok(()) }