site_name: pylyzer theme: name: material logo: assets/pylyzer-logo.svg favicon: assets/pylyzer-logo.png features: - navigation.instant - navigation.tracking - content.code.annotate - toc.integrate - toc.follow - navigation.path - - content.code.copy palette: - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" scheme: default primary: indigo toggle: icon: material/weather-sunny name: Switch to dark mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" scheme: slate primary: indigo toggle: icon: material/weather-night name: Switch to light mode repo_url: repo_name: pylyzer site_author: Shunsuke Shibayama site_url: markdown_extensions: - toc: permalink: "#" - pymdownx.snippets: - pymdownx.magiclink: - attr_list: - md_in_html: - pymdownx.highlight: anchor_linenums: true - pymdownx.inlinehilite: - pymdownx.superfences: - markdown.extensions.attr_list: - pymdownx.keys: - pymdownx.tasklist: custom_checkbox: true - pymdownx.highlight: anchor_linenums: true plugins: - search