import pymainprocess as _pyprocess import importlib.util as _util class Plugin: """ Class to Works with Plugins from pymainprocess. """ def __init__(self, name: str): """ Initial the Plugin with Given Path, load the Plugin and Get the Functions. """ self.__home__ = _pyprocess.environ.get('HOME') self.__path__ = _pyprocess.path.join(self.__home__, '.config', 'pymainprocess', 'plugins') self.__plugin__ = _pyprocess.path.join(self.__path__, name, '') self.__name__ = name if not _pyprocess.path.exists(self.__plugin__): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Plugin {name} not found.") self._load_plugin() def _load_plugin(self): """ Load the Plugin from the Given Path. """ spec = _util.spec_from_file_location(name=self.__name__, location=self.__plugin__) self.__module__ = _util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(self.__module__) for attr in dir(self.__module__): if not attr.startswith('__'): func = getattr(self.__module__, attr) if callable(func): setattr(self, attr, func)