syntax = "proto3"; package flyteidl.core; option go_package = ""; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; import "flyteidl/core/identifier.proto"; message ArtifactKey { // Project and domain and suffix needs to be unique across a given artifact store. string project = 1; string domain = 2; string name = 3; string org = 4; } // Only valid for triggers message ArtifactBindingData { reserved 1 to 4; // These two fields are only relevant in the partition value case oneof partition_data { string partition_key = 5; bool bind_to_time_partition = 6; } // This is only relevant in the time partition case TimeTransform time_transform = 7; } enum Granularity { UNSET = 0; MINUTE = 1; HOUR = 2; DAY = 3; // default MONTH = 4; } enum Operator { MINUS = 0; PLUS = 1; } message TimeTransform { string transform = 1; Operator op = 2; } message InputBindingData { string var = 1; } message RuntimeBinding {} message LabelValue { oneof value { // The string static value is for use in the Partitions object string static_value = 1; // The time value is for use in the TimePartition case google.protobuf.Timestamp time_value = 2; ArtifactBindingData triggered_binding = 3; InputBindingData input_binding = 4; RuntimeBinding runtime_binding = 5; } } message Partitions { map value = 1; } message TimePartition { LabelValue value = 1; Granularity granularity = 2; } message ArtifactID { ArtifactKey artifact_key = 1; string version = 2; // Think of a partition as a tag on an Artifact, except it's a key-value pair. // Different partitions naturally have different versions (execution ids). Partitions partitions = 3; // There is no such thing as an empty time partition - if it's not set, then there is no time partition. TimePartition time_partition = 4; } message ArtifactTag { ArtifactKey artifact_key = 1; LabelValue value = 2; } // Uniqueness constraints for Artifacts // - project, domain, name, version, partitions // Option 2 (tags are standalone, point to an individual artifact id): // - project, domain, name, alias (points to one partition if partitioned) // - project, domain, name, partition key, partition value message ArtifactQuery { oneof identifier { ArtifactID artifact_id = 1; ArtifactTag artifact_tag = 2; string uri = 3; // This is used in the trigger case, where a user specifies a value for an input that is one of the triggering // artifacts, or a partition value derived from a triggering artifact. ArtifactBindingData binding = 4; } }