from .pyportus import try_compile import sys import ast import inspect class DatapathProgram(object): def __init__(self, code, lineno): self.code = code self.lineno = lineno class ProgramFinder(ast.NodeVisitor): def __init__(self, src_file_name): self.src_file_name = src_file_name self.progs = [] def visit_FunctionDef(self, fd_node): if == "datapath_programs": for elem in fd_node.body: if isinstance(elem, ast.Return): ret_node = elem if not isinstance(ret_node.value, ast.Dict): raise ValueError("datapath_programs() must return a dict") for key in ret_node.value.keys: if not isinstance(key, ast.Str): raise ValueError("datapath_programs() must return a dict of **string**->string") for prog in ret_node.value.values: if not isinstance(prog, ast.Str): raise ValueError("datapath_programs() must return a dict of string->**string**") self.progs.append(DatapathProgram(prog.s, prog.lineno)) def _find_datapath_programs(cls): src_file_name = inspect.getfile(cls) # NOTE: if module is imported, getfile will return the binary (pyc) rather than the source # This is a hack that assumes the source file is in the exact same directory # (i.e. getfile returns /path/to/x.pyc and we hope the source code is in /path/to/ if '.pyc' in src_file_name: src_file_name = src_file_name[:-1] f = open(src_file_name) src = ''.join(f.readlines()) f.close() # src = inspect.getsource(cls) tree = compile(src, '', 'exec', ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST) pf = ProgramFinder(src_file_name) pf.visit(tree) return pf class Colors: BLUE = '\033[94m' GREEN = '\033[92m' ORANGE = '\033[93m' RED = '\033[91m' END = '\033[0m' BOLD = '\033[1m' BOLDRED = '\033[91;1m' BOLDYELLOW = '\033[93;1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' def bold_yellow_text(t): return Colors.BOLDYELLOW + t + Colors.END def bold_red_text(t): return Colors.BOLDRED + t + Colors.END def bold_text(t): return Colors.BOLD + t + Colors.END def _check_datapath_programs(cls): any_errors = False pf = _find_datapath_programs(cls) if not pf.progs or len(pf.progs) < 1: raise ValueError("datapath_programs() must return at least one program!") for prog in pf.progs: ret = try_compile(prog.code) if ret != "": any_errors = True sys.stderr.write("Traceback (datapath program compile error):\n File \"{}\", {}\n{}\n{}: {}\n".format( pf.src_file_name, bold_yellow_text("line " + str(prog.lineno)), "|\n|" + "\n|".join(prog.code.split("\n")), bold_red_text("error"), bold_text(ret) )) sys.stderr.write("CCP not started. You must fix datapath program compile errors first.\n") if any_errors: sys.exit(-1)