# coding: utf-8 # frozen_string_literal: true require 'ffi' require 'json' module Pyroscope module Rust extend FFI::Library ffi_lib File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + "/rbspy/rbspy.#{RbConfig::CONFIG["DLEXT"]}" attach_function :initialize_logging, [:int], :bool attach_function :initialize_agent, [:string, :string, :string, :string, :string, :int, :bool, :bool, :bool, :bool, :string, :string, :string, :string, :string], :bool attach_function :add_thread_tag, [:uint64, :string, :string], :bool attach_function :remove_thread_tag, [:uint64, :string, :string], :bool attach_function :add_global_tag, [:string, :string], :bool attach_function :remove_global_tag, [:string, :string], :bool attach_function :drop_agent, [], :bool end module Utils extend FFI::Library ffi_lib File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + "/thread_id/thread_id.#{RbConfig::CONFIG["DLEXT"]}" attach_function :thread_id, [], :uint64 end if defined?(::Rails::Engine) class Engine < ::Rails::Engine config.after_initialize do next unless ::Pyroscope.current_config && ::Pyroscope.current_config.autoinstrument_rails ::Pyroscope.initialize_rails_hooks end end end Config = Struct.new( :application_name, :app_name, :server_address, :auth_token, :basic_auth_username, :basic_auth_password, :log_level, :sample_rate, :detect_subprocesses, :oncpu, :report_pid, :report_thread_id, :tags, :compression, :report_encoding, :autoinstrument_rails, :tenant_id, :http_headers, ) do def initialize(*) super # defaults: self.application_name = '' self.server_address = 'http://localhost:4040' self.auth_token = '' self.basic_auth_username = '' self.basic_auth_password = '' self.sample_rate = 100 self.detect_subprocesses = false self.oncpu = true self.report_pid = false self.report_thread_id = false self.log_level = 'error' self.tags = {} self.compression = 'gzip' self.report_encoding = 'pprof' self.autoinstrument_rails = true self.tenant_id = '' self.http_headers = {} end end class << self def current_config @config end def configure @config = Config.new # Pass config to the block yield @config # Determine Logging level (kinda like an enum). case @config.log_level when 'trace' @log_level = 10 when 'debug' @log_level = 20 when 'info' @log_level = 30 when 'warn' @log_level = 40 when 'error' @log_level = 50 else @log_level = 50 end Rust.initialize_logging(@log_level) Rust.initialize_agent( # these are defaults in case user-provided values are nil: @config.app_name || @config.application_name || "", @config.server_address || "", @config.auth_token || "", @config.basic_auth_username || "", @config.basic_auth_password || "", @config.sample_rate || 100, @config.detect_subprocesses || false, @config.oncpu || false, @config.report_pid || false, @config.report_thread_id || false, tags_to_string(@config.tags || {}), @config.compression || "", @config.report_encoding || "pprof", @config.tenant_id || "", http_headers_to_json(@config.http_headers || {}) ) end def initialize_rails_hooks block = lambda do |ctrl, action| Pyroscope.tag_wrapper({ "action" => "#{ctrl.controller_name}/#{ctrl.action_name}" }, &action) end ActionController::API.__send__(:around_action, block) if defined? ActionController::API ActionController::Base.__send__(:around_action, block) if defined? ActionController::Base end def tag_wrapper(tags) tid = thread_id _add_tags(tid, tags) begin yield ensure _remove_tags(tid, tags) end end def tag(tags) warn("deprecated. Use `Pyroscope.tag_wrapper` instead.") end def remove_tags(*tags) warn("deprecated. Use `Pyroscope.tag_wrapper` instead.") end def thread_id return Utils.thread_id end def _add_tags(thread_id, tags) tags.each do |tag_name, tag_value| Rust.add_thread_tag(thread_id, tag_name.to_s, tag_value.to_s) end end def _remove_tags(thread_id, tags) tags.each do |tag_name, tag_value| Rust.remove_thread_tag(thread_id, tag_name.to_s, tag_value.to_s) end end def stop Rust.drop_agent end def shutdown stop end private def tags_to_string(tags) tags.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join(',') end def http_headers_to_json(http_headers) JSON.dump(http_headers) end end end