🐍 Pyscan
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A dependency vulnerability scanner for your python projects, straight from the terminal.
+ can be used within large projects. (see [benchmarks](BENCHMARKS.md))
+ automatically finds dependencies either from configuration files or within source code.
+ support for poetry,hatch,filt,pdm and can be integrated into existing build processes.
+ hasn't been battle-hardened yet. PRs and issue makers welcome.
## 🕊️ Install
pip install pyscan-rs
**look out for the "-rs"** part
cargo install pyscan
check out the [releases](https://github.com/aswinnnn/pyscan/releases).
## 🐇 Usage
Go to your python source directory (or wherever you keep your `requirements.txt`/`pyproject.toml`) and run:
> pyscan
> pyscan -d path/to/src
Pyscan will find any dependencies added through poetry, hatch, filt, pdm, etc.
Here's the order of precedence for a source/config file:
+ `requirements.txt`
+ `pyproject.toml`
+ your source code (`.py`)
Pyscan will use your `pip` to find unknown versions, otherwise [pypi.org](https://pypi.org) for the latest version. Still, **Make sure you version-ize your requirements** and use proper [pep-508 syntax](https://peps.python.org/pep-0508/).
## Building
pyscan requires a rust version of `< v1.70`, and might be unstable on previous releases.
There's an overview of the codebase at [architecture](./architecture/). Grateful for all the contributions so far.
## 🦀 Note
pyscan doesn't make sure your code is safe from everything. Use all resources available to you like [safety](https://pypi.org/project/safety/) Dependabot, [`pip-audit`](https://pypi.org/project/pip-audit/), trivy and the likes.
## 🐰 Todo
As of October 15, 2023:
- [ ] Gather time to work on it (incredible task as a high schooler)
- [ ] Persistent state representation of a project's security.
- [ ] Graphical analysis of dependencies and their dependencies, and so on.
- [ ] Better display, search, filter of vulns
## 🐹 Donate
While not coding, I am a broke high school student with nothing else to do. I appreciate all the help I can get.