struct cpuinfo_mock_file filesystem[] = { { .path = "/proc/cpuinfo", .size = 400, .content = "Processor\t: ARMv7 Processor rev 0 (v7l)\n" "processor\t: 0\n" "BogoMIPS\t: 13.53\n" "\n" "processor\t: 1\n" "BogoMIPS\t: 13.53\n" "\n" "processor\t: 2\n" "BogoMIPS\t: 13.53\n" "\n" "processor\t: 3\n" "BogoMIPS\t: 13.53\n" "\n" "Features\t: swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 \n" "CPU implementer\t: 0x51\n" "CPU architecture: 7\n" "CPU variant\t: 0x1\n" "CPU part\t: 0x06f\n" "CPU revision\t: 0\n" "\n" "Hardware\t: QCT APQ8064 MTP\n" "Revision\t: 000a\n" "Serial\t\t: 0000000000000000\n", }, { .path = "/system/build.prop", .size = 11529, .content = "# begin build properties\n" "# autogenerated by\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" " Sep 3 23:07:57 KST 2015\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "ro.product.model=LG-E980\n" "ro.product.brand=lge\n" "\n" "ro.product.device=geefhd\n" "ro.product.board=GKATT\n" "ro.product.cpu.abi=armeabi-v7a\n" "ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi\n" "ro.product.manufacturer=LGE\n" "ro.product.locale.language=en\n" "ro.product.locale.region=US\n" "ro.wifi.channels=11 11\n" "ro.board.platform=msm8960\n" "# is obsolete; use ro.product.device\n" "\n" "# Do not try to parse or .fingerprint\n" " 4.4.2 KOT49I.E98020i E98020i.1441288955 release-keys\n" "\n" "\n" "# end build properties\n" "#\n" "# from device/lge/geefhd/system.prop\n" "#\n" "################################################################\n" "# COMMON system property for this device (geefhd).\n" "# operator-specific property MUST NOT be here.\n" "################################################################\n" "#\n" "# system.prop for surf\n" "#\n" "\n" "rild.libpath=/system/lib/\n" "rild.libargs=-d /dev/smd0\n" "persist.rild.nitz_plmn=\n" "persist.rild.nitz_long_ons_0=\n" "persist.rild.nitz_long_ons_1=\n" "persist.rild.nitz_long_ons_2=\n" "persist.rild.nitz_long_ons_3=\n" "persist.rild.nitz_short_ons_0=\n" "persist.rild.nitz_short_ons_1=\n" "persist.rild.nitz_short_ons_2=\n" "persist.rild.nitz_short_ons_3=\n" "ril.subscription.types=NV,RUIM\n" "DEVICE_PROVISIONED=1\n" "debug.sf.hw=1\n" "debug.egl.hw=1\n" "debug.composition.type=dyn\n" "dalvik.vm.heapsize=36m\n" "debug.enable.wl_log=1\n" "# 3 layer bypass applied, 2013.01.07\n" "debug.mdpcomp.logs=0\n" "persist.hwc.mdpcomp.enable=true\n" "# 2013-02-02 [GK] default_Web_Browser_set\n" "persist.web.set=1\n" "# LGE_CHANGE_END\n" "\n" "#\n" "# [GK/G/GV] system Prop for add_power_save in KOR(SKT/KT) added by, 20140113\n" "#\n" "\n" "\n" "#\n" "# system props for the cne module\n" "#\n" "persist.cne.feature=1\n" "\n" "ro.hdmi.enable=true\n" "lpa.decode=true\n" "tunnel.decode=false\n" "tunnel.audiovideo.decode=false\n" "lpa.use-stagefright=true\n" "qcom.hw.aac.encoder=true\n" "\n" "#system props for the MM modules\n" "\n" "media.stagefright.enable-player=true\n" "media.stagefright.enable-http=true\n" "media.stagefright.enable-aac=true\n" "media.stagefright.enable-qcp=true\n" "media.stagefright.enable-fma2dp=true\n" "media.stagefright.enable-scan=true\n" "mmp.enable.3g2=true\n" "# Add MOV container feature []\n" "\n" "\n" "media.aac_51_output_enabled=true\n" "#33395 is sum of supported format flags in AAL\n" "#Formats: AVI AC3 ASF AAC QCP DTS 3G2\n" "mm.enable.qcom_parser=33395\n" "\n" "#\n" "# system props for the data modules\n" "#\n" "ro.use_data_netmgrd=true\n" "\n" "#2013-08-31 LGP_DATA_TEMPORARY_PATCH_FOR_KK_APP_TEST[START]\n" "\n" "\n" "#2013-08-31 LGP_DATA_TEMPORARY_PATCH_FOR_KK_APP_TEST[END]\n" "\n" "#system props for time-services\n" "persist.timed.enable=true\n" "\n" "# System props for audio\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "# System prop to select audio resampler quality\n" "af.resampler.quality=255\n" "# System prop to select MPQAudioPlayer by default on mpq8064\n" "\n" "\n" "#\n" "# system prop for opengles version\n" "#\n" "# 196608 is decimal for 0x30000 to report version 3\n" "ro.opengles.version=196608\n" "\n" "# system prop for requesting Master role in incoming Bluetooth connection.\n" "#\n" "ro.bluetooth.request.master=true\n" "#\n" "# system prop for Bluetooth Auto connect for remote initated connections\n" "#\n" "ro.bluetooth.remote.autoconnect=true\n" "# system property for Bluetooth discoverability time out in seconds\n" "# 0: Always discoverable\n" "\n" "\n" "# System prop to disable a2dp sink which is enabled by default\n" "bluetooth.a2dp.sink.enabled=false\n" "\n" "#system prop for switching gps driver to qmi\n" "persist.gps.qmienabled=true\n" "\n" "# System property for cabl\n" "#LGE_CHANGE_S 2012.1.4 CABL off\n" "ro.qualcomm.cabl=2\n" "#LGE_CHANGE_E 2012.1.4 CABL off\n" "\n" "# System props for telephony\n" "# System prop to turn on CdmaLTEPhone always\n" "telephony.lteOnCdmaDevice=1\n" "#\n" "# System prop for sending transmit power request to RIL during WiFi hotspot on/off\n" "#\n" "\n" "\n" "#\n" "#Simulate sdcard on /data/media\n" "#\n" "# LGE_CHANGE_S\n" "# If you use Internal-SD with FUSE, comment-out below\n" "# 2012-01-08\n" "#persist.fuse_sdcard=false\n" "# LGE_CHANGE_E\n" "ro.hwui.text_cache_width=2048\n" "\n" "#\n" "# Supports warmboot capabilities\n" "#\n" "ro.warmboot.capability=1\n" "\n" "#\n" "#snapdragon value add features\n" "#\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "# LGE_CHANGE_S 2012.4.22 LGE sound profile scenario.\n" "ro.lge.audio_soundprofile=true\n" "# LGE_CHANGE_E 2012.4.22 LGE sound profile scenario.\n" "\n" "#LGBT_COMMON_SCENARIO supported Bluetooth PAN profile 2012-05-22\n" "ro.bluetooth.PANenable = 1\n" "#LGBT_COMMON_SCENARIO\n" "# System prop for sensor\n" "ro.qc.sdk.sensors.gestures=true\n" "\n" "# LGE_CHANGE_S 2012-12-11,, HDMI block\n" "sys.hdmi.block=unblock\n" "# LGE_CHANGE_E 2012-12-11,, HDMI block\n" "\n" "#hwui properties\n" "ro.hwui.texture_cache_size=72\n" "\n" "#property to check if dynamic resolution change is supported in framework\n" "\n" "#property to enable user to access Google WFD settings.\n" "persist.debug.wfd.enable=1\n" "#property to choose between virtual/external wfd display\n" "persist.sys.wfd.virtual=0\n" "\n" "#system prop for setting rmnet mux mode\n" "persist.rmnet.mux=disabled\n" "\n" "# LGE_CHANGE_S, [WiFi][], 2013-01-22, Wifi Bring Up\n" "# reserved wifi related property\n" "dhcp.ap.macaddress=\n" "dhcp.wlan0.dns1=\n" "dhcp.wlan0.dns2=\n" "dhcp.wlan0.dns3=\n" "dhcp.wlan0.dns4=\n" "dhcp.wlan0.gateway=\n" "dhcp.wlan0.ipaddress=\n" "dhcp.wlan0.leasetime=\n" "dhcp.wlan0.mask=\n" "\n" "dhcp.wlan0.reason=\n" "dhcp.wlan0.result=\n" "dhcp.wlan0.server=\n" "dhcp.wlan0.vendorInfo=\n" "dhcp.p2p.dns1=\n" "dhcp.p2p.dns2=\n" "dhcp.p2p.dns3=\n" "dhcp.p2p.dns4=\n" "dhcp.p2p.gateway=\n" "dhcp.p2p.ipaddress=\n" "dhcp.p2p.leasetime=\n" "dhcp.p2p.mask=\n" "\n" "dhcp.p2p.reason=\n" "dhcp.p2p.result=\n" "dhcp.p2p.server=\n" "dhcp.p2p.vendorInfo=\n" "init.svc.dhcpcd_wlan0=\n" "init.svc.dhcpcd_p2p=\n" "init.svc.p2p_supplicant=\n" "init.svc.iprenew_wlan0=\n" "net.dns1=\n" "net.dns2=\n" "net.dnschange=\n" "net.p2p-p2p0-0.dns1=\n" "net.p2p-p2p0-0.dns2=\n" "net.wlan0.dns1=\n" "net.wlan0.dns2=\n" "wlan.driver.status=\n" "\n" "persist.sys.hotssid.ksc5601=\n" "wifi.lge.autochannel=\n" "# LGE_CHANGE_S, [WiFi][], 2013-01-22, Wifi Bring Up\n" "\n" "#// LGE_CHANGE_S, [Net_Patch_0300][CALL_FRW][COMMON], 2012-05-25, Airplane Mode Pop-Up display property value {\n" "ro.airplane.phoneapp=1\n" "#// LGE_CHANGE_E, [Net_Patch_0300][CALL_FRW][COMMON], 2012-05-25, Airplane Mode Pop-Up display property value }\n" "\n" "\n" "#disable gapless mode by default\n" "audio.gapless.playback.disable=true\n" "\n" "# LGE_CHANGE_S [gk][framework][common] the screen auto-brightness adjustment setting\n" "persist.power.useautobrightadj=true\n" "# LGE_CHANGE_E [gk][framework][common] the screen auto-brightness adjustment setting\n" "\n" "#\n" "# ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES\n" "#\n" "\n" "\n" "persist.gsm.sms.disablelog=64\n" "ro.lge.swversion=E98020i\n" "ro.lge.factoryversion=LGE980AT-00-V20i-ATT-US-SEP-03-2015+0\n" "ro.config.ringtone=ATT_Firefly.ogg\n" "\n" "ro.config.notification_sound=Optimus.ogg\n" "ro.config.alarm_alert=Lifes_Good_Alarm.ogg\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "uicc.mobile_equipment.config=0\n" "ro.afwdata.LGfeatureset=ATTBASE\n" "\n" "\n" "persist.data_netmgrd_mtu=1410\n" "\n" "\n" "wlan.lge.supportsimaka=yes\n" "wifi.lge.hanglessid=false\n" "wifi.lge.supportp2p5g=gconly\n" "keyguard.no_require_sim=true\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "persist.service.ecc.hiddenmenu=\n" "ro.monkey=0\n" "ime_onehand_keyboard=true\n" "ime_split_keyboard=true\n" "ime_onehand_keyboard_percent=82\n" "ime_split_keyboard_width_dp=702\n" "ime_keyboard_layout=ko=QWERTY\n" "ime_extend_row_keyboard=true\n" "ime_theme=true\n" "ro.sdcrypto.syscall=378\n" "ro.config.vibrate_type=1\n" "lge.hw.frontkeyled=true\n" "telephony.lteOnCdmaDevice=0\n" "ro.hwui.layer_cache_size=48\n" "ro.hwui.r_buffer_cache_size=8\n" "ro.hwui.path_cache_size=32\n" "ro.hwui.gradient_cache_size=1\n" "ro.hwui.drop_shadow_cache_size=6\n" "ro.hwui.texture_cache_flushrate=0.4\n" "ro.hwui.text_small_cache_width=1024\n" "ro.hwui.text_small_cache_height=1024\n" "ro.hwui.text_large_cache_width=2048\n" "ro.hwui.text_large_cache_height=1024\n" "lge.normalizer.param=version2.0/true/6.0/true/7000/1.0/4000/0.33\n" "persist.sys.language=en\n" "\n" "ro.telephony.default_network=9\n" "ro.sf.lcd_density=480\n" "ro.sf.lcd_density_secondary=400\n" "dalvik.vm.heapstartsize=8m\n" "dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit=128m\n" "dalvik.vm.heapsize=256m\n" "dalvik.vm.heaputilization=0.25\n" "dalvik.vm.heapidealfree=8388608\n" "dalvik.vm.heapconcurrentstart=2097152\n" "ro.lge.overlay=true\n" "wlan.chip.vendor=brcm\n" "wlan.chip.version=bcm4334\n" "wifi.lge.patch=true\n" "dhcp.dlna.using=false\n" "wifi.lge.sleeppolicy=0\n" "wifi.lge.offdelay=false\n" "wlan.lge.concurrency=MCC\n" "wlan.lge.wifidisplay=both\n" "ro.lge.vib_magnitude_index=0,20,40,60,80,100,120,127\n" "persist.sys.strictmode.disable=true\n" "wlan.driver.ath=0\n" "wlan.driver.config=/data/misc/wifi/WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini\n" "\n" "lpa.decode=true\n" "persist.sys.ats_start=false\n" "persist.sys.strictmode.visual=false\n" "lgemm.player.use_android_origin=false\n" "ro.lge.audio_scenario=SOUNDEXCEPTION\n" "ro.lge.audio_soundexception=true\n" "ro.config.vc_call_vol_steps=6\n" "ro.config.vc_call_vol_default=3\n" "ro.airplane.phoneapp=1\n" "ro.lge.basebandversion=APQ8064/MDM9x15M\n" "lge.version.verified=NONE\n" "persist.service.main.enable=0\n" "persist.service.system.enable=0\n" "\n" "\n" "persist.service.kernel.enable=0\n" "persist.service.packet.enable=0\n" "persist.service.crash.enable=0\n" "persist.sys.ssr.restart_level=3\n" "lge.signed_image=true\n" "\n" "\n" "net.tethering.noprovisioning=true\n" "\n" "ro.carrier=unknown\n" "ro.vendor.extension_library=/system/lib/\n" "dalvik.vm.heaptargetutilization=0.75\n" "dalvik.vm.heapminfree=2m\n" "dalvik.vm.heapmaxfree=8m\n" "\n" "\n" "drm.service.enabled=true\n" "bluetooth.chip.vendor=brcm\n" "ro.lge.lcd_default_brightness=152\n" "ro.lge.lcd_auto_brightness_mode=false\n" "ro.lge.capp_ZDi_O=true\n" "lge.zdi.actionsend=false\n" "lge.zdi.onactivityresult=true\n" "lge.zdi.dragdropintent=false\n" "ro.lge.capp_emotional_led=true\n" "ro.lge.capp_almond=true\n" "ro.lge.qslide.max_window=2\n" "ro.lge.capp_wfd=true\n" "ro.lge.capp_lgevpn=true\n" "\n" "ro.setupwizard.mode=DISABLED\n" "\n" "\n" "lge.nfc.vendor=nxp\n" "\n" "dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags=m=y\n" "\n" "dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file=/data/anr/traces.txt\n" "ro.qc.sdk.izat.premium_enabled=0\n" "ro.qc.sdk.izat.service_mask=0x0\n" "persist.gps.qc_nlp_in_use=0\n" "ro.gps.agps_provider=1\n" "\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/kernel_max", .size = 2, .content = "3\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/possible", .size = 4, .content = "0-3\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/present", .size = 4, .content = "0-3\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/online", .size = 4, .content = "0-2\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/offline", .size = 2, .content = "3\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuidle/current_driver", .size = 9, .content = "msm_idle\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuidle/current_governor_ro", .size = 5, .content = "menu\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/affected_cpus", .size = 2, .content = "0\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq", .size = 8, .content = "1728000\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq", .size = 7, .content = "384000\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_transition_latency", .size = 2, .content = "0\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/related_cpus", .size = 2, .content = "0\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies", .size = 107, .content = "384000 486000 594000 702000 810000 918000 1026000 1134000 1242000 1350000 1458000 1566000 1674000 1728000 \n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors", .size = 54, .content = "interactive ondemand userspace powersave performance \n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq", .size = 8, .content = "1026000\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_driver", .size = 4, .content = "msm\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor", .size = 9, .content = "ondemand\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq", .size = 7, .content = "384000\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state", .size = 142, .content = "384000 0\n" "486000 0\n" "594000 0\n" "702000 0\n" "810000 0\n" "918000 0\n" "1026000 22\n" "1134000 20\n" "1242000 2882\n" "1350000 0\n" "1458000 0\n" "1566000 0\n" "1674000 0\n" "1728000 1175\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/total_trans", .size = 2, .content = "7\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/topology/core_id", .size = 2, .content = "0\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/topology/core_siblings", .size = 2, .content = "f\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/topology/core_siblings_list", .size = 4, .content = "0-3\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/topology/physical_package_id", .size = 2, .content = "0\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/topology/thread_siblings", .size = 2, .content = "1\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/topology/thread_siblings_list", .size = 2, .content = "0\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/affected_cpus", .size = 2, .content = "1\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq", .size = 8, .content = "1728000\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq", .size = 7, .content = "384000\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/cpuinfo_transition_latency", .size = 2, .content = "0\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/related_cpus", .size = 2, .content = "1\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies", .size = 107, .content = "384000 486000 594000 702000 810000 918000 1026000 1134000 1242000 1350000 1458000 1566000 1674000 1728000 \n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors", .size = 54, .content = "interactive ondemand userspace powersave performance \n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq", .size = 8, .content = "1728000\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_driver", .size = 4, .content = "msm\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_governor", .size = 9, .content = "ondemand\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq", .size = 8, .content = "1728000\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq", .size = 7, .content = "384000\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state", .size = 145, .content = "384000 11\n" "486000 0\n" "594000 0\n" "702000 0\n" "810000 0\n" "918000 70\n" "1026000 337\n" "1134000 10\n" "1242000 484\n" "1350000 24\n" "1458000 30\n" "1566000 0\n" "1674000 0\n" "1728000 987\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/stats/total_trans", .size = 3, .content = "55\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/topology/core_id", .size = 2, .content = "1\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/topology/core_siblings", .size = 2, .content = "f\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/topology/core_siblings_list", .size = 4, .content = "0-3\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/topology/physical_package_id", .size = 2, .content = "0\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/topology/thread_siblings", .size = 2, .content = "2\n", }, { .path = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/topology/thread_siblings_list", .size = 2, .content = "1\n", }, { 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"/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/topology/thread_siblings_list", .size = 2, .content = "2\n", }, { NULL }, }; #ifdef __ANDROID__ struct cpuinfo_mock_property properties[] = { { .key = "DEVICE_PROVISIONED", .value = "1", }, { .key = "af.resampler.quality", .value = "255", }, { .key = "audio.gapless.playback.disable", .value = "true", }, { .key = "bluetooth.a2dp.sink.enabled", .value = "false", }, { .key = "bluetooth.chip.vendor", .value = "brcm", }, { .key = "bluetooth.pan", .value = "true", }, { .key = "dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags", .value = "m=y", }, { .key = "dalvik.vm.heapconcurrentstart", .value = "2097152", }, { .key = "dalvik.vm.heapgrowthlimit", .value = "128m", }, { .key = "dalvik.vm.heapidealfree", .value = "8388608", }, { .key = "dalvik.vm.heapmaxfree", .value = "8m", }, { .key = "dalvik.vm.heapminfree", .value = "2m", }, { .key = "dalvik.vm.heapsize", .value = "256m", }, { .key = "dalvik.vm.heapstartsize", .value = "8m", }, { .key = "dalvik.vm.heaptargetutilization", .value = 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