use std::{ ffi::OsStr, net::SocketAddr, sync::Arc, time::{Duration, SystemTime}, }; use clap::{crate_version, App, Arg}; use fuser::{ Filesystem, MountOption, ReplyAttr, ReplyData, ReplyDirectory, ReplyEntry, ReplyWrite, Request, TimeOrNow, }; use futures::executor::block_on; use pyxis_fs_common::transact; use quinn::{Endpoint, NewConnection, TransportConfig}; const TTL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1); // 1 second struct PyxisFS { conn: NewConnection, } impl PyxisFS { pub fn new(server: &str) -> Self { let mut roots = rustls::RootCertStore::empty(); roots .add(&rustls::Certificate( std::fs::read("../").unwrap(), )) .unwrap(); let mut client_crypto = rustls::ClientConfig::builder() .with_safe_defaults() .with_root_certificates(roots) .with_no_client_auth(); client_crypto.alpn_protocols = <&[&[u8]]>::from(&[b"hq-29"]) .iter() .map(|&x| x.into()) .collect(); let mut client_config = quinn::ClientConfig::new(std::sync::Arc::new(client_crypto)); let mut txpt = TransportConfig::default(); txpt.max_idle_timeout(Some(Duration::from_secs(10).try_into().unwrap())); client_config.transport = Arc::new(txpt); let mut endpoint = Endpoint::client("[::]:0".parse().unwrap()).unwrap(); endpoint.set_default_client_config(client_config); let mut conn = block_on( endpoint .connect(SocketAddr::new(server.parse().unwrap(), 4413), "pyxis") .unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); let rsp = block_on(transact( &mut conn.connection, &pyxis_fs_common::Request::Mount("Mounting PyxisFS\n".to_string()), )); if let pyxis_fs_common::Response::Mount(v) = rsp { println!("Mount id: {}", v); Self { conn } } else { panic!(); } } } impl Filesystem for PyxisFS { fn lookup(&mut self, _req: &Request, parent: u64, name: &OsStr, reply: ReplyEntry) { let rsp = block_on(transact( &mut self.conn.connection, &pyxis_fs_common::Request::Lookup(parent, name.to_str().unwrap().to_owned()), )); match rsp { pyxis_fs_common::Response::Lookup(attr) => reply.entry(&TTL, &attr.into(), 0), pyxis_fs_common::Response::Error(e) => reply.error(e), _ => panic!(), } } fn getattr(&mut self, _req: &Request, ino: u64, reply: ReplyAttr) { let rsp = block_on(transact( &mut self.conn.connection, &pyxis_fs_common::Request::Getattr(ino), )); match rsp { pyxis_fs_common::Response::Getattr(attr) => reply.attr(&TTL, &attr.into()), pyxis_fs_common::Response::Error(e) => reply.error(e), _ => panic!(), } } fn read( &mut self, _req: &Request, ino: u64, _fh: u64, offset: i64, size: u32, _flags: i32, _lock: Option, reply: ReplyData, ) { let rsp = block_on(transact( &mut self.conn.connection, &pyxis_fs_common::Request::Read(ino, offset, size), )); match rsp { pyxis_fs_common::Response::Read(v) =>, pyxis_fs_common::Response::Error(e) => reply.error(e), _ => panic!(), } } fn readdir( &mut self, _req: &Request, ino: u64, _fh: u64, offset: i64, mut reply: ReplyDirectory, ) { let rsp = block_on(transact( &mut self.conn.connection, &pyxis_fs_common::Request::ReadDir(ino, offset), )); match rsp { pyxis_fs_common::Response::ReadDir(entries) => { for (i, entry) in entries.into_iter().enumerate().skip(offset as usize) { if reply.add(entry.0, (i + 1) as i64, entry.1.into(), entry.2) { break; } } reply.ok(); } pyxis_fs_common::Response::Error(e) => reply.error(e), _ => panic!(), } } fn readlink(&mut self, _req: &Request<'_>, ino: u64, reply: ReplyData) { let rsp = block_on(transact( &mut self.conn.connection, &pyxis_fs_common::Request::Readlink(ino), )); match rsp { pyxis_fs_common::Response::Readlink(v) =>, pyxis_fs_common::Response::Error(e) => reply.error(e), _ => panic!(), } } fn write( &mut self, _req: &Request<'_>, ino: u64, _fh: u64, offset: i64, data: &[u8], _write_flags: u32, _flags: i32, _lock_owner: Option, reply: ReplyWrite, ) { let rsp = block_on(transact( &mut self.conn.connection, &pyxis_fs_common::Request::Write(ino, offset, data.to_vec()), )); match rsp { pyxis_fs_common::Response::Write(count) => reply.written(count), pyxis_fs_common::Response::Error(e) => reply.error(e), _ => panic!(), } } fn mknod( &mut self, _req: &Request<'_>, parent: u64, name: &OsStr, mode: u32, umask: u32, rdev: u32, reply: ReplyEntry, ) { let rsp = block_on(transact( &mut self.conn.connection, &pyxis_fs_common::Request::Mknod( parent, name.to_str().unwrap().to_owned(), mode, umask, rdev, ), )); match rsp { pyxis_fs_common::Response::Mknod(attr) => reply.entry(&TTL, &attr.into(), 0), pyxis_fs_common::Response::Error(e) => reply.error(e), _ => panic!(), } } fn mkdir( &mut self, _req: &Request<'_>, parent: u64, name: &OsStr, mode: u32, umask: u32, reply: ReplyEntry, ) { let rsp = block_on(transact( &mut self.conn.connection, &pyxis_fs_common::Request::Mkdir( parent, name.to_str().unwrap().to_owned(), mode, umask, ), )); match rsp { pyxis_fs_common::Response::Mkdir(attr) => reply.entry(&TTL, &attr.into(), 0), pyxis_fs_common::Response::Error(e) => reply.error(e), _ => panic!(), } } fn unlink(&mut self, _req: &Request<'_>, parent: u64, name: &OsStr, reply: fuser::ReplyEmpty) { let rsp = block_on(transact( &mut self.conn.connection, &pyxis_fs_common::Request::Unlink(parent, name.to_str().unwrap().to_owned()), )); match rsp { pyxis_fs_common::Response::Unlink => reply.ok(), pyxis_fs_common::Response::Error(e) => reply.error(e), _ => panic!(), } } fn rmdir(&mut self, _req: &Request<'_>, parent: u64, name: &OsStr, reply: fuser::ReplyEmpty) { let rsp = block_on(transact( &mut self.conn.connection, &pyxis_fs_common::Request::Unlink(parent, name.to_str().unwrap().to_owned()), )); match rsp { pyxis_fs_common::Response::Unlink => reply.ok(), pyxis_fs_common::Response::Error(e) => reply.error(e), _ => panic!(), } } fn rename( &mut self, _req: &Request<'_>, parent: u64, name: &OsStr, newparent: u64, newname: &OsStr, flags: u32, reply: fuser::ReplyEmpty, ) { let rsp = block_on(transact( &mut self.conn.connection, &pyxis_fs_common::Request::Rename( parent, name.to_str().unwrap().to_owned(), newparent, newname.to_str().unwrap().to_owned(), flags, ), )); match rsp { pyxis_fs_common::Response::Rename => reply.ok(), pyxis_fs_common::Response::Error(e) => reply.error(e), _ => panic!(), } } fn setattr( &mut self, _req: &Request<'_>, ino: u64, mode: Option, uid: Option, gid: Option, size: Option, atime: Option, mtime: Option, ctime: Option, fh: Option, crtime: Option, chgtime: Option, bkuptime: Option, flags: Option, reply: ReplyAttr, ) { let atime = match atime { None => None, Some(TimeOrNow::SpecificTime(t)) => Some(t), Some(TimeOrNow::Now) => Some(SystemTime::now()), }; let mtime = match mtime { None => None, Some(TimeOrNow::SpecificTime(t)) => Some(t), Some(TimeOrNow::Now) => Some(SystemTime::now()), }; let rsp = block_on(transact( &mut self.conn.connection, &pyxis_fs_common::Request::Setattr( ino, mode, uid, gid, size, atime, mtime, ctime, fh, crtime, chgtime, bkuptime, flags, ), )); match rsp { pyxis_fs_common::Response::Setattr(attr) => reply.attr(&TTL, &attr.into()), pyxis_fs_common::Response::Error(e) => reply.error(e), _ => panic!(), } } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let matches = App::new("pyxis") .version(crate_version!()) .author("chordtoll") .arg( Arg::new("MOUNT_POINT") .required(true) .index(1) .help("Act as a client, and mount FUSE at given path"), ) .arg( Arg::new("SERVER") .required(true) .index(2) .help("Act as a client, and mount FUSE at given path"), ) .arg( Arg::new("auto_unmount") .long("auto_unmount") .help("Automatically unmount on process exit"), ) .arg( Arg::new("allow-root") .long("allow-root") .help("Allow root user to access filesystem"), ) .get_matches(); env_logger::init(); let mountpoint = matches.value_of("MOUNT_POINT").unwrap(); let server = matches.value_of("SERVER").unwrap(); let mut options = vec![MountOption::RW, MountOption::FSName("pyxis".to_string())]; options.push(MountOption::AutoUnmount); options.push(MountOption::AllowRoot); fuser::mount2(PyxisFS::new(server), mountpoint, &options).unwrap(); }