syntax = "proto3"; package qdrant; option csharp_namespace = "Qdrant.Client.Grpc"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; service Snapshots { /* Create collection snapshot */ rpc Create (CreateSnapshotRequest) returns (CreateSnapshotResponse) {} /* List collection snapshots */ rpc List (ListSnapshotsRequest) returns (ListSnapshotsResponse) {} /* Delete collection snapshot */ rpc Delete (DeleteSnapshotRequest) returns (DeleteSnapshotResponse) {} /* Create full storage snapshot */ rpc CreateFull (CreateFullSnapshotRequest) returns (CreateSnapshotResponse) {} /* List full storage snapshots */ rpc ListFull (ListFullSnapshotsRequest) returns (ListSnapshotsResponse) {} /* Delete full storage snapshot */ rpc DeleteFull (DeleteFullSnapshotRequest) returns (DeleteSnapshotResponse) {} } message CreateFullSnapshotRequest {} message ListFullSnapshotsRequest {} message DeleteFullSnapshotRequest { string snapshot_name = 1; // Name of the full snapshot } message CreateSnapshotRequest { string collection_name = 1; // Name of the collection } message ListSnapshotsRequest { string collection_name = 1; // Name of the collection } message DeleteSnapshotRequest { string collection_name = 1; // Name of the collection string snapshot_name = 2; // Name of the collection snapshot } message SnapshotDescription { string name = 1; // Name of the snapshot google.protobuf.Timestamp creation_time = 2; // Creation time of the snapshot int64 size = 3; // Size of the snapshot in bytes optional string checksum = 4; // SHA256 digest of the snapshot file } message CreateSnapshotResponse { SnapshotDescription snapshot_description = 1; double time = 2; // Time spent to process } message ListSnapshotsResponse { repeated SnapshotDescription snapshot_descriptions = 1; double time = 2; // Time spent to process } message DeleteSnapshotResponse { double time = 1; // Time spent to process }